Book 9: Chapter 20
Book 9: Chapter 20
Book 9: Chapter 20
There was something bittersweet about seeing them coming out the garden to cheers. Together, the [Innkeeper] and the Goblin.
And the bee, but she didnt count. Niers noticed, of course, but only because Apista was flying. He stared blankly at her.
Is thatfire? And here I was going to send her a leg. And a wing.
Back to Niers. It wasit should have really been him there. Waving his hat at the audience, being part of the changing continent of Izril.
But for Belavierr, he might still be there. So Chaldion had removed him from the board on more battlefields than just the one hed left.
It made the Titan fuming mad to lose a battle like that. The Grand Strategist had been playing, but on a different board. But mostly, Niers just looked at the image of the young woman and the Goblin as the crowd circulated around them.
and it looks like the [Innkeeper] has come out herself for these festivities for the new Hive of the Antinium. Sir Relz, we know Miss Solstice, dont we? Have we ever done a piece on her?
The Drake in the studio appeared as the image cut back to him with a smaller image of the inn in the background. Niers scowled at Sir Relz as the Drake shuffled his papers.
No, Noass, we have not. But perhaps nows not the time? The Wandering Inn has Goblins, Antinium, and chaos as usual. However, now, I think the news should be on the disrupted trade cycle. I have a segment coming up where I interview a [Merchant Captain] on the supply lines across the world. Dont miss it!
Noass nodded rapidly, but he hesitated as he smiled into the camera. Niers gave Noass a sinister smirk, because he knew what the Drake was realizing.
This is Noass, Channel 1 of Wistram News Network. Our favorite [Reporter], Drassi, may cover any entertainment-related incidents on Channel 2. You can switch channels with our Wistram News Network patented scrying orbs or by consulting any local Mages Guild affiliated with Wistram. However, I encourage you to
Niers changed to the channel instantly, and he assumed that went for a large amount of viewers. Oh yes, television was moving in leaps and bounds. Drassi was smirking slightly as she waved at Noass; they were in the same inn.
Thank you, Noass. Ill be covering this party and anything else fun and inconsequential. Like the Antinium Crusade marching back into Liscor, whenever it happens. Light stuff. Now, lets see whats going on around here. Can I get an interview with Erin? Personal friend, by the way.
He should be there. Just saying. But Niers still smiled at the sight of the familiar inn. Right until someone screamed at him.
Titan, are you out of your mind? Head up!
Yes, yes. I was watching. [Covering Fire].
He pointed, and the screaming Fraerling turned as a volley of arrows and spells loosed over the battlefield. Niers glanced up, saw the exploding green monsters bearing down on his front lines, and went back to watching.
We have it under control.
Unbelievable. Is he always like this?
The Fraerling was one of the forces assigned to the Forgotten Wing Company. She was not happy about fighting monsters a hundred times her size, but Niers was calm.
Its a mopup, Tallguard. Save the Skills and energy; theyll barely reach our front.
He was right. The green-type monsters could explode and spread a nasty ichor around, but there was something about a thousand Lizardfolk with crossbows that deterred even a few hundred of them.
The real fighting would be when they pushed into the area around the Dyed Lands, not mopped up the rampaging monsters. This was almostforensic. Kill monsters, see how they fought and which ones had tricks, adjust strategy, and move up slowly. Dissect, analyze.
The Fraerlings who were watching Niers peer at the scrying orb mounted on his wristwatch were a mix of awe and chagrin. The Titans company was like his arms and legs, and he didnt look up as he swatted a hundred and twenty monsters.
Wistfully, Niers watched as Erin raised a hand and Drassi pushed forwards. Now
What are you going to do, Erin? All eyes are on you.
It was possibly the first time The Wandering Inn had been a direct broadcast of Wistram News Network. Incredible, yes, but the inn had almost always been part of something, like a monster attack. This was the inn on its own. And the [Innkeeper]she was known enough that people might recognize her face.
Erin looked up and around the party with a look of surprise, as if she hadnt quite known how large it was. And there was the [Princess]. What kind of party, indeed? Niers saw Erin give Drassi a pair of finger-guns, smileand hurry off. He laughed as she went to high-five Goblins.
Good luck trying that forever.
The party at The Wandering Inn was a three-day affair. The initial event had occurred as adventurers and Goblins arrived, just past midday.
In four hours, the skating rink that Ceria had made had become the main attraction, as well as the inns reopening. Mostly?
It was visitors coming through the doors. Liska was opening and shutting them nonstop, only pausing to let [Mages] recharge the door.
Pallass? Step through. Inn is on your right. Liscor on your left. We dont have time to open a door to Liscor. Thank you, goodbye.
She shut the door, adjusted the dial, opened it.
Celum? Step through. Inn on your right. Liscor on your left. No door to Liscor today. Anyone going for Celum?
She looked around, and some people waiting in the exit queue raised their hands. Liska glowered.
Why arent you in a group? Stand there for Celum. I need a sign. Who else is going to Invrisil? Got your money?
People fussed about with money and asked the worst questions. Like a Human who tapped her on the shoulder.
Id like to go to Pallass. Can you open the door?
Liska stared at him.
No ones going to Pallass. You have to apply for the waiting list.
You just opened the door.
Thats from Pallass.
Just open the door. I have the fee right here.
Liska was almost tempted to as the man puffed up with indignation. She spoke slowly, as if trying to hammer the words into his head.
The checkpoint will stop you. No ones going to Pallass. Invrisil, Celum, and Esthelm are open. Whos going to Celum? You need to pay me.
I just did!
That was from Invrisil to Liscor.
I have to pay per city? What a ripoff!
Liska groaned. She needed signs, lines, and helpers. And indeed, the prices per door usage were at least keeping a horde of people from going through. But the visitors were of all kinds. She turned and closed the door to Celum and opened it to Pallass as a [Mage] tapped her on the shoulder.
I got it, I got it. Hello, sir or maam!
A Gnoll gave Liska a long look. The helper tried to smile, but then she almost went blind.
Im heading for Liscor for this bazaar. Ive got goodsmostly in bags of holdingand a staff of seventeen. Where am I staying? And whom do I pay?
Me, Miss
Liska was trying to shade her eyes. Even in the checkpoint, with the guards, the Gnoll wassparkling? She was reflecting light like a radiant beacon.
Qwera, the Golden Gnoll of Izril, sniffed as she eyed the inns portal operation.
Some place. Hey, Ysara, get in here! Do I step through?
She gingerly stepped through the door as the crowd oohed. One of the [Merchants] had come to make a profit in the coming days.
The Golden Gnoll dropped a shower of gold and silver into a bucket that Liska had put out, and the other Gnoll quickly stowed it in a bag of holding before anyone got any ideas. Qwera sniffed the air.
The bazaar hasnt started yet, has it?
II dont know, Miss. Umyoure a [Merchant], right?
Qwera gave Liska a long look as a Human woman wearing a sword and silver-style clothing strolled through the door with a bunch of helpers. Then the door portal flickered out. Liska groaned along with the crowd as Qwera spun.
Doors out. Mages?
Im tapped.
A sweaty young Drake was drinking a mana potion. He looked around.
Well need to wait for more. Let me tell the Mages Guild.
Is my crew safe? How long till the doors back up?
Qwera demanded, and Liska nearly screameduntil a Gnoll poked his head out.
I sensed a disturbance. Liska?
Ishkr gave her an accusing look, then spotted Qwera. His eyes widened. He instantly stepped forwards.
Doors out? You, please send a [Message] spell telling the Mages Guild we need someone in five minutes or less. Everyone, we will have a ten minute wait! Hello, Miss Merchant. Are you waiting for the bazaar? Its open tomorrowaccommodations are listed here.
He had a piece of parchment which had begun to circulate. Liska had had one, but someone had walked off with it.
It listed every inn and place to stay in the cities as well as upcoming events. Qwera snatched it as she sniffed.
Thats more like it.
Ishkr. Im dying here! I need help! I need organization!
For once, her older brother didnt snap at her. He just looked at the door and sighed.
I agree. I cant fix it.
Dont leave me!
She almost clung to his shoulder, but he just waved her back.
Ill ask Lyonette to talk to Liscor. Well ask them to send whomever managed the door last time. Hang on for twenty minutes. Then youll show them the job for forty. Break for the day in an hour, okay?
He vanished out the door as Qwera raised her brows. Ysara Byres had been eying the ramshackle operation of the door, but she whispered to Qwera.
Thats one calm worker. Mrsha must not have been lying about how chaotic the inn is. Or Krshia. Do you smell them?
Do I look like a [Tracker]? Mrshas about, but theres a sea of people around. Do you think your sister and brother are here?
Yvlon? Yes. Ylaweswell, thatll be fun.
Ysara did not smile. Qwera bared her teeth.
At least well get to see the [Innkeeper] of renown. Alright, lets wait for my team. Are we staying here or?
Depends on if the inn has rooms. What are the odds its not full to bursting?
Good, actually. The Wandering Inn was doing mad traffic in people, but few thought to ask for rooms. Mostly becausewho would stay in an inn filled with Goblins?
A lot of visitors who had come to see the Antinium took one look at the Goblins in the common room and decided to find another inn on the list. But some stayed. It was a kind of deterministic selection: if you werent cool with the Goblins, you really wouldnt like the rest of what the inn had to offer.
Ishkr had just gone out to check on Liska when he tapped Lyonette on the shoulder. She jumped.
Ishkr? Whats up?
The doors out of power again. I sent for more [Mages], and we will need to contact the Council for their staff. Liska cannot handle this alone. Nor are the Goblins and Antinium ready for that job.
Lyonette bit her tongue.
Damn. Thats the one job they cannot do. Alright, I will task Ser Sest with that. Thank you, Ishkr.
He nodded, and she wondered how he was managing to do this. She had never seen someone move so fast!
They needed to give him a raise. And hold onto him! Some of the [Innkeepers] still loitering about looked just as impressed with Ishkr. But thenif The Wandering Inn was still weak organizationally, it did have capable talent.
Like Ser Sest, who was already halfway towards the door. He didnt even have to be asked; hed just heard Lyonette speak.
On my way, Miss Lyonette.
He passed by Miss Agnes, whose eyes bugged out at his golden armor. Her husband, Mister Jerom, murmured.
Now theres a serving staff thatd attract the eye, eh, Agnes?
He laughed, then coughed. She patted his hand and smiled nervously. She didnt quite look at Lyonette.
Yes, dear. We should be getting back to the inn. Or I should. Well have businessbut you just sit here for a moment. Cancan someone help him back? I should, but I must get to The Frenzied Hare now
She had a staff, but she was dithering, and someone spoke up.
Ulia, owner of another inn in Celum, Blazehound, turned to Agnes.
You go ahead, Agnes. Jerom and I will head back.
Oh, thank you. GoodbyeLyonette
Agnes glanced at Lyonette, and the [Princess] managed a smile.
Best of luck, Miss Agnes. Sir, are you alright?
Quite alright. I just have a cough. It doesnt go away, but Im not abed. I was last fallI was too cold, and it took me out for months. But for Miss Solsticewhat a wonderful inn. And it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lyonette. I have to apologize, again, for any unpleasantness and thank you for
He shook her hand earnestly as she called for a cup of something. Ishkr appeared with a mug of goats milk and vanished. Jerom sipped from it.
He was sonicethat Lyonette was slightly aghast. And embarrassed. She assured him there was no ill will. He was reasonable, calm, if sickly, and she remembered meeting him once before, but even when Erin had been in the inn, she had barely seen Agnes husband.
Its Jerom, isnt it? Or Ronald? Cecil? I, ah, didnt quite know if you existed. Not that Miss Agnes didnt bring you up quite often to Erin!
He laughed at that.
Oh, that. Im afraid thats my fault. When Agnes and I first met, I was called Cecil. Then, we went out, and I had to find work further north. When I came back, I was using Ronald as my name. I headed southactually past Liscor. I worked around there and came back as Jerom. All three times, Agnes didnt quite remember me until I reintroduced myself.
You had three names, Jerom? Why in the world? I used to joke with Timbor that you didnt exist and Agnes was just pretending she had a husband. Pardon me, but it was funny.
Ulia looked fascinated, and Jerom coughed into a hand.
Past jobs, Ulia. Its a long story.
No it wasnt. Lyonettes eyes sharpened, and she saw Ser Lormel glance up. He took one look at Jerom, and he clearly realized the same thing Lyonette did.
Jerom was a former [Spy]. That or he had some kind of job that required you to change names. And there were precious few like that.
Now Lyonette thought of itshe only knew one person who had poor lungs and an endemic weakness that couldnt be solved by healing potions. And that was Mihaela Godfrey, who had beenpoisoned
Jerom saw Lyonettes glance and smiled.
Its a long story. We all have stories like that, Im sure, Miss Lyonette.
Of course, Mister Jerom. I am delighted to meet you.
He was a thin man, probably due to being confined in bed all day, but Lyonette could see how Agnes had fallen for him three times. He looked, well, like someone who could fit in Calanfers top staff.
Handsome, with a strong chin and a twinkle in those pale sapphire eyes. He even seemed gracefulif that were marred by moments of weakness. His hair was swept back in a greying curl.
Whomever he had been, Lyonette was sure hed been good at his job of being likable. But all that was marred by his weakened state.
For all thatJerom clearly was talented. He had been a good enough cook to keep Agnes inn running despiteAgnes. And even here, he took a drink from the cup and grimaced.
I should head back whenever youre ready, Ulia. Agnes will need help. But this inn is fascinating. The rec rooms, that weights room?
He sighed about, and Ulia smiled.
What if I sent some helpers to Agnes inn? Just one or two. You can take your leisure.
Thats extremely kind of you. Are you sure?
He looked reluctant, and Ulia smiled and winked at Lyonette.
If you help me win a few coins at the card table, perhaps. You havent had time to meet him, Miss Lyonette, but Jerom is a fantastic cards player. Very good with his hands cooking and in other ways. Dont you carve as well?
I just bet he is. Lyonette smiled, but she blinked as Jerom produced something with an embarrassed smile.
Hardly good. Im confined to bed, so its reading or something else. I picked up the class andwell, I was going to present Miss Solstice with this.
Lyonette gasped. She stared down at a tiny, hand-cut figurine. Of Mrsha! The little Gnoll even had spiked fur, notched delicately with a tiny blade, and she was prowling around on all fours, sniffing at the air.
Jerom had even added mini indentations like whiskers. Lyonette exclaimed.
Mister Jerom, this is the most beautifulthis is fantastic!
As I understand it, youre the one who takes care of Miss Mrsha. Please, if you dont think its a burden
He offered her the figurine, and Lyonette accepted it. She smiled at him.
Thank you, sir! This is a delight.
He nodded, and Lyonette thought that if the inn in Celum never worked out, she could send him to Riverfarm. Laken Godart had a [Carver] of his own, but the man, while good, was, uh
Maybe not. Jelov the [Carver] and Jerom the mysterious [Innkeeper]? Too close. Hed have to change his name a third time.
But that was the kind of thing happening in the inn right now. While it was true that the grand party was more of a ramp-up, there was already a kind of meeting of peoples that would otherwise never go together that was generating excitement enough.
Not for Drassi, perhaps. The [Reporter] actually didnt linger long in the inn once it became clear Erin wasnt going to be interviewed. She found Rags for a short moment, but shed had her interview with Rags. SoDrassi was off to her new studio to give a talk with the Singer of Terandria.
Shed be back tomorrow. Meanwhile? Lyonette was almost glad that Erin hadnt taken over when she came back from the garden.
This was Lyonettes big event, and she wanted to prove she could do it alone. She felt nervous, but she squared her shoulders and got back to work. Erin?
For the first day, Erin sat with the Goblins. She hugged Badarrow and stayed with them. Goblins before all. But the meetings between people were not isolated just to Goblins.
By evening in Liscor, a Gnoll returned from checking out the bazaar and put her hands on her hips.
The Tailless Thief is out.
Ysara Byres looked up from the stand she and Qwera were going to operate. Hers was right next to Qweras, and she had a huge supply of goods to offload, many from the tribes. She had a feeling there would be a huge market to match.
They had hurried down to inspect the plaza, and [Traders] and [Merchants] they knew from Pallass as well as Invrisil were all present. Lots of excited rookies too, who kept coming up to Qwera to ask for tips.
Dont get fleeced was Qweras big tip. This was the opportunity for everyone to make a profit. Just sell at a good markup and watch out for fellow [Merchants]; theyd run you down with flash-deals. Unless you had gold in hand or paw
Well, this was their battleground, so the [Merchants] were excited. So was Ysara, because shed headed down here before having a chance to explore the ice skating rink that hundreds of people were skating across. An annoyed half-Elf had to keep recasting the spell, but she considered it trainingas well as her own slip and sliding across the ice.
Howeverthe person Ysara really wanted to see was Yvlon. And Ylawes. But before that
Not the Tailless Thief? We need somewhere secure.
They had lockboxes of gold, and their best items and stock would need security. That meant The Tailless Thief; neither Ysara nor Qwera were stupid enough to chance being stuck in Invrisil when they should be at the bazaar.
No. And its not the name. The [Innkeeper] is simply a Drake. A beautiful idiot of a Drake who I wouldnt trust.
Ah. Speciesist?
His guests are all Drakes from Pallass. We can out pay them, butlets try The Wandering Inn. If only for storage. Besides, I havent seen Mrsha.
They could have rushed into the common room and reunited with Mrsha the instant they got therebut neither Ysara nor Qwera had. A few hours would not kill them, and they had their priorities straight.
Now, though, it occurred to Ysara that if they wanted a roomshe sighed and checked her bag of holding.
Lets go now, then. And keep checking your bag of holding, Qwera. I know Liscors a good cityor so Yvlon claimsbut the [Thieves] have to be out in force knowing how much gold and visitors are here.
That was true. Qwera and Ysara were not easy targets; they had Skills and the wherewithal to defeat most [Flash Thieves], who could snatch a bag with sheer speed, or covert ones, who would steal a bag of holding unnoticed in a crowd.
Even soa certain young woman with a gemstone hand saw several [Thieves] loitering about the square. She herself had a lot of interest in Qwera and Ysaras bags of holding as well as the top [Merchants].
They were rich. One of Pallass best [Traders of Curios] had already lost his chest of holding. His actual chest of holding. He thought it was right there, locked and waiting for tomorrow, and his [Guards] did too, but the crystal-handed [Thief] had seen someone walk off with the entire chest and cast an illusion spell in the same place.
One of the Faces of Invrisil. Theyd probably sell the entire chest back to the merchant, and that would be the last theft today.
The [Thieves] of big cities often had deals with the Merchants Guild to only be a pest up to a pointotherwise, the [Merchants] would hire a Named-rank Adventurer to kill you. A merchant-rogue war was a bad, bad incident.
She had no such compunctions, but she was wary of making an enemy of the wrong group, so Ysara and Qwera were a good target as independent [Merchants]. Obviously, she was waiting for her chance with Klbkch the Slayer, but profits were profits. Besides.
The contest had begun. The young woman strolled into range. Qwera wasnt stupid; the Golden Gnoll would notice someone dogging her. But the crystal hand [Thief]s range was wide. She flexed her hand, and the pale quartz hidden under the glove shone.
[I Stole Lightning].
Her hand blurred across the ground between her and Qwera, forty paces. If you could have seen itand it moved at the speed of lightningit would have been a disembodied hand of crystal, reaching out. A mans hand, not the young womans. It reached out for both bags of holding
And someone caught it. Or rather, blocked it. The hand slammed into a body, and the [Thief] recoiled. She saw a Gnoll hurtle out of nowhere into the hand, and Qwera and Ysara whirled. The [Thief] looked up, saw a Gnoll staring at her
Ysara exclaimed as one of her helpers broke cover and blocked the Skill. The Thief of Clouds rubbed at his ribs as a young woman began to hurry in the other direction.
Thats one.
What? A [Thief]? Point her out.
Ysara was ready to draw her sword or call for the Watch, but Vetn just growled.
Dont bother. Shell be gone before the Watch even reaches us if you shout. Thats the second high-level [Thief]. Ow. My ribs hurt.
He whined to Qwera, and she was unimpressed.
Blow on it. This is why I hired you, Vetn. Keep it up.
Sulkily, he nodded. Some of the other [Merchants] were eying Vetn nervously; a few could spot a [Thief]. But Qwera had hired him to run interference against other competitors or thieves.
She wasnt an idiot. She patted Vetn on the shoulder, and the three of them headed off to the inn. They met the girl they were looking for ahead of that.
Mrsha was sniffling a bit, as if she had a cold again, and Ser Dalimont was worried hed get in more trouble, letting her skate so long.
But as it turned out, she just had a runny nose from the chill. She was beaming, her white fur all puffed up along with two sweaty, beaming children. And one big one.
Gire, Ekirra, and Visma had been skating for hours. The novelty of being able to skate before the winter was only compounded by the food flowing from the inn. Right now, they were all having some hot-hot fries, which were spicybut didnt kill you! Calescents fries were hitting tables, and a certain witch had helped him get used to his new job.
Well, Erin was inside sampling his cooking with the laughing Goblins, and Mrsha was just about to suggest they all have a big bowl of ice cream to go with the fries when she smelled something odd on the air. She turned, sniffed, and her brows crossed.
What is it, Mrsha?
The Gnoll smelled a familiar acrylic scent that came from a lot of paint. A familiar smellbut that couldnt be right. She looked at Gire, and the [Paragon] stopped wolfing down fries.
She sniffed the air as Ekirra copied her. So did Visma, snorting and giggling as the Gnolls glowered at her mockery of them. But then Mrsha saw Gires eyes widen, and their heads turned. Mrsha watched as the skaters, couples and families running and slipping on the ice, looked up.
The fading fall sky was turning into an ember glow across the High Passes. Even green, instead of blue, and the two colors ran together like some crazy artists palette.
But then the Antinium marching to the inn for their food, the people of Liscor, and the inn itself experienced a revelation.
For there was a shining figure upon a hill. She stood like a golden messiah, light glancing off her painted fur. The Golden Gnoll shone, and Mrsha dropped her fries. Ekirra bent down to eat them off the grass, but looked up as Mrsha began racing over. Her snuffly nose began to run again, and she was a blubbery mess before she was halfway there.
Its you! Its you! She raced at Qwera, leapt up, and the Gnoll blocked Mrshas head with her paw.
Gross. Someone get me a handkerchief.
She fished one out of her belt pouch as Mrsha landed, and then the Gnoll found one paw picking her up. A piece of cloth wiped at Mrshas face, and then she glanced up, and Qwera grinned.
Look at you, you silly girl. Did you miss me that much?
For answer, Mrsha hugged her. Then looked at Ysara and Vetn in astonishment. The [Armored Merchant] patted Mrsha on the head, and the Gnoll beamed at Vetn, who shyly waved at her.
I told you shed remember us, Qwera!
I wouldnt bother. There, there. Stop crying. Its not like we were even gone more than a month.
But I love you guys! Mrsha reached out as Gire raced over and beamed at the others.
Vetn, Qwera, Ysara, hello! I had no idea you had arrived! Wheres Tesy?
She noticed the absence of the [Magical Painter], and Qwera rolled her eyes.
Off causing mischief in another city. Vetn would be too, but I needed a [Thief] to stop a [Thief]. When we heard about the bazaar, I picked up the pace. I would have gone on foot rather than via Pallass, but gold doesnt wait. Hello. And who is this?
She eyed the Thronebearer, who glowed almost as much as she did with his armor. Ser Dalimont bowed.
Merchant Qwera, Merchant Ysara, I am Ser Dalimont of the Thronebearers of Calanfer, and my ward is in your debt, as I understand it. May I escort you to the inn? Miss Lyonette will be delighted to meet you, as will Erin Solstice herself.
Oho. Arent you competent?
Qwera raised her brows, but she seemed curious, not hostile. She tried to put Mrsha down, but the Gnoll clung to her neck.
You little blubbering rat. Where did all that bravery go?
Qwera gently teased Mrsha, and Ysaras smile was genuine as she walked towards the inn.
Shes at home, Qwera. Shes allowed to cry.
Mrsha had actually stopped crying at this point, and she was waving for Ekirra and Visma to come over. The two friends looked up at Qwera in awe.
Youre shiny!
Ekirra gaped at Qwera. Visma, on the other hand, actually knew of Qweras reputation. She squeaked.
My mother loves you! And my older sister! Cancan I touch your fur? Youre beautiful!
Even the grumpy Golden Gnoll of Pallass had to smile at that, and Mrsha saw Qweras face turn softer. As she put on her stage show.
Well, I can do more than that! Here! Hold out your hands, both of you
She drew out something and then pressed it on Ekirras and Vismas hands. They looked down in delight, and Mrsha saw a golden stamp of a pawprint embossed on their scales and fur. Qwera winked as she raised her paws to call out to the crowd.
The Golden Gnoll will be holding a seminar after the bazaar, tomorrow. Tell your friends! Free coins!
So saying, she drew a pawful of coins out of her bag of holding and tossed them across the ice. Gold coins went scattering and people shouted and scrambled after them.
Youre such aperformer, Qwera.
Ysara looked mildly disapproving, but Qwera had done this before when Mrsha was on tour with her, however briefly.
It works. I thought this was supposed to be exciting. Aha. And I think heres our famous mother of the worlds most endangered child.
She looked up, and Lyonette du Marquin was coming out the doors of the inn, flanked by all but one of her remaining Thronebearers. Mrsha waved her over, and the [Princess] caught Mrsha as she leapt into her arms.
Mrshaoof! Do I have the honor of meeting the people who helped you? Merchant Qwera, Merchant Ysara, Mister Vetn? Welcome to the Wandering Inn. And thank youI have wanted to say that ever since the Meeting of Tribes.
She took Qweras hand as she held Mrsha and Ysaras. Lyonettes genuine look of gratitude seemed to disarm Qwera, and the Gnoll murmured.
Wellits not like there was anything else to do. Hello, hello. Im delighted to meet you, PrMiss Lyonette.
And I am honored to meet you. Silver and steel guide you, Princess Marquin. Youve been a friend to my sister and brother, and I am grateful for everything youve done.
Ysara didnt even try to hide what she knew. Lyonettes eyes focused on Ysara and widened a bit.
Yes! And youre Yvlons oldershell be delighted to meet you! I am so grateful to meet youbut Yvlons just inside! And you wont believe it, but the Silver Swords just came in via Invrisil.
Ah. Wonderful.
The older Byres smile slipped slightly, but Mrsha was sniffing the air. Then her eyes went round, and she leapt out of Lyonettes arms.
Whats gotten into her?
Qwera eyed Mrsha as Lyonette scolded her daughter, but Gire was sniffing the air too. And then she bounded past startled guests. For Mrsha had smelled someone else whod just arrived.
The little Gnoll burst into the common room just in time to see the most high-powered meeting yet. The Golden Gnoll had come to Liscor.
But so had Gold-rank teams. The Silver Swords, teams like Todis Elites from Invrisil, the Horns, the Halfseekers
And one more. In fact, they had just arrived, and they were so famous that they had even put the Silver Swords return to shame.
Goblins! Pizza! Ice cream! This is what Ive been waiting for! I made it! Oh, hey Mrsha.
The Stargnoll, Lehra Ruinstrider, was running around as excitedly as Mrsha. Her team, Stargazers Promise, were greeting the surprised Horns and the wary teams, who eyed one of Izrils top adventurers with a kind of awe.
And wariness, because they remembered how Regrika Blackpaw had gone. The [Innkeeper] was standing warily in front of her Goblin friends, but when the little Gnoll leapt forwards and tried to give Lehra a flying headbutt, the Stargnoll whirled her around in the air and put Mrsha on a table, laughing.
Then she turned as Qwera walked in.
Hey, the Golden Gnoll! Everyones back from the Meeting of Tribes! Is Honored Krshia here?
She waved, but a pair of Humans froze at the table where they were awkwardly greeting each other. Yvlon Byres half rose, and Ylawes looked up, stunned.
She halted when she saw her two younger siblings. Ysara smiled awkwardly, but Yvlon shot to her feet. She came over, smiling genuinely as Ysara stared at Yvlons arms. She had seen, during the Meeting of Tribes, and she had no doubt seen images of Yvlon, but it was one thing to see and another to get a look up close.
Yvlon. Ylawes. Its been a long time. You two lookgreat. Especially you, Yvlon.
She reached out and embraced her sister gingerly. Yvlon returned the gesture, almost as timidly, and Ylawes got up. He reached out, went to embrace his two sistersand both let go. Ysara hugged Ylawes briefly, patting him on the back.
Ysara, this is an amazing coincidence. I am delighted to see you! What brought you to Liscor? The bazaar? Father and Mother will be delighted to hear from you.
Of course. And yes. Here I am, back in the north, or close enough. Look at you two heroes of the day.
Ysaras smile was about as genuine as Qweras fur. Which was to say, it wasnt completely fake, but it had layers and hidden meaning. Yvlon glanced at her sister, but she reached out.
Youre still wearing your sword.
She pointed, and Ysaras look of reserve turned to amusement.
I still have to defend myself. But Id say you two have long since passed me.
Not in talent. Not in talent. How are you? Is thatis that Gnoll made of gold? We just got in. This is incredible. Sit, please. Are you staying?
Ylawes regained his composure fasterright until he noticed Ysaras tattoos. One ran up her neck, and she had some on her arms and other places, more hidden by her clothing. He stared at the colorful tattoos with his mouth open, and Ysara sighed.
Those are new.
Yvlon managed. Ylawes was silently gobbling air, and Ysara was endlessly grateful for Qwera. She must have sensed the awkwardness, and she came over in full merchant-mode.
Well, here are your younger siblings! Im Qwera, the Golden Gnoll. Just an alias. It is a delight to meet Ysaras familyshe is endlessly proud.
Oh, hello, hello.
Both Yvlon and Ylawes instantly turned to greet her, and the moment warmed back up again, especially when Ceria came tromping into the inn.
Is that your older sister and a goldentree sap, its Lehra Ruinstrider!
She pointed at Lehra, and the Gnoll pointed back.
Its Ceria! I saw you on the scrying orb! Autographs! Wheres the Silver Killer? Ohmygosh, there she is!
She swerved as she saw Yvlon, and the [Armsmistress] face said it all. Ylawes tried to bow to Lehra.
I am such a fan, Yvlon! You are the most hardcore adventurer ever! Andhi, are you a warrior too?
Ylawes Byres, Captain of the Silver Swords. A famous Gold-rank team.
Someone hissed in Lehras ear. Elgrinna, the Dwarf [Warrior], actually yanked on Lehras tail. The Gnoll started, slapped Elgrinnas hand, then turned beet red.
Oh no! I meanhello!
Adventurer Ruinstrider, its an honor.
That was all Ylawes managed. He couldnt help but glance at Yvlon, then looked upand saw his older sisters knowing smile.
It was rare for Ylawes to look that uncomfortable. But Dawil was all there for it. In fact, he was right there, and he and Elgrinna were slapping each other on the back.
A Dwarf from home! Whats with your adventurer? Dont recognize some veterans, Miss Elgrinna?
Aw, here comes Axemaster Dawil, here to lecture me. Hero of Dwarfhome! If I could have teleported, Id have been right with you. You damn credit to your people, you.
Falene Skystrall was nodding to the Gazer [Wizard], Suxhel, and Emper, the Stitch-man [Monk]. They were certainly a sight for sore eyes!
In fact, Lyonette could barely keep up with the introductions! Mrsha was in the mix as Lehra tossed her up and down, and Moore gently caught her; Lehra gaped up at him in delight. But no one could get in a word edgewise for a second.
That was, until someone waved.
Hey. Whore all these people? Im Erin. Are these your friends, Mrsha?
Then they turned, and Qwera, Ysara, Vetn, Stargazers Promiseall looked at Erin Solstice. Ylawes himself hadnt seen her, and he rose to his feet in awe. Dawil turned and smiled. He exhaled as if hed been holding a breath, and Lehra pointed at Erin.
Youre the one who posted the <Quest> for Mershi. Youre Mrshas friend. Arent you?
Erin Solstice. Hi.
She said it so casually, but her mere presence somehow halted the chaos for a second. Erin stood with the Goblins peering at the adventurers and newcomers in the background. She might have been unhappy in large events where everyone stared and fawned over her
But in this moment, the [Innkeeper] knew just what to do and say. She spread her arms wide and beamed.
Welcome to my inn! If youre friends of Mrshas, youre friends of mine. Do you want food? Somewhere to put your things? The Wandering Inn will never turn new friends away! Just remember to read the sign.
What sign?
Lehra looked nervous, but Qwera brightened up. She reached out, and Erins eyes fixed on her golden fur.
Whoa! Youre amazing!
It takes one to know one. Did I hear rooms, Miss Solstice? Im afraid we couldnt find suitable accommodations. Safe ones. [Thieves] and the like.
Ohof course! Weve got rooms on the second and third floors! Actuallywe havent taken in any new guests, so weve got tons of room! Even group rooms. And my inn is super safe. Well, my garden is. No one gets in who isnt allowed. Got valuables?
That would be excellent, Miss Solstice.
Qwera smiled with great satisfaction. Lehra was still gobbling.
Youyoure the one who knows about Mershi! Please, tell me everything!
She tried to get to Erin, but Lehra had made a mistakeshe assumed being a Named-rank Adventurer meant anything here.
She tried to reach out to Erin, and the [Innkeeper] rose two feet in the air. Mostly because Dawil was hugging her.
Hey! Put me down! Ioh, Dawil!
The Dwarf had tears in his eyes. But he let Erin down and gently patted her on the arm.
You did it. Grandfathers awake, I cant believe it.
Oh, Dawil. And Ylawes, Falene? Im gonna cry! Dont make me cry again! Cmere!
Erin looked up, and the [Knight] and [Battlemage] were drawn into a hug far more genuine than the one Ylawes had given Ysara. Lehra practically danced around the edge of the hug, but even she couldnt interrupt it. Then Erin was exclaiming.
Yvlons sister is here? Whoa. Whoa! You have tattoos! Hi, Im Erin.
She shook hands with the smiling [Merchant], and then Mrsha was tugging over Vetn, who looked incredibly nervous for some reason. He stared at a point over Erins shoulder as he shook the [Innkeeper]s hand.
Lehra, by contrast, had suddenly begun to explode. The genial Stargnoll was often so laissez-faire it exasperated her teammates. But when she had seen Erin
The armband of metal on her arm had begun to glow. The Stargnoll interrupted the greetings with Vetn, or tried to.
Excuse me, Erin. Im Named-rank Adventurer Lehra Ruinstrider. And you know about the City of Stars. I own the Blade of Mershi.
Erin glanced up. She focused on Lehra and frowned as the Gnoll tried to push past Falene. Obviously, the half-Elf stepped back, but Erins brows instantly knitted.
Yeah. I posted the <Mythical Quest>. Im happy to talk about itbut hold on, Falene! You have a Blade of Mershi? Youre almost there! Better work on finding the Crossroads first, though. Word to the wise.
She gave Lehra a polite smile, and the Stargnoll gaped at Erin.
What? Why do I need to find that? Tell me what you know! Imthe blade has a
Ill meet with you later. Later.
Erin was smiling, but Lehra was so excited that not even Emper and Elgrinna could stop her. She reached out to grab Erin as the young woman turned.
Wait! Hey! Im a Named-rank Adventurer!
She pulled rank, a rarity, and a clawed hand caught her arm. Another caught her shoulder. Lehra blinked as a pair of strong grips halted her dead in place. She tensedbecause she felt a sudden prickle down her spine, but then she looked around.
Oh yeah? Join the club, kid.
An orange-scaled Drake was leaning on Dawils head as he held Lehras shoulder. Saliss of Lights nodded at Shriekblade as Suxhel screamed, jumped, and Emper had to stop her from wiping out.
Even she hadnt seen Shriekblade. Lehra stared at her senior adventurers and gulped.
But I
Hey, kid. Kid. Kid. Weve met, right?
Saliss poked her on the shoulder repeatedly. He nodded at Stargazers Promise as they stared at the two Named-ranks in awe. Lehra thought they had, but only briefly at an Adventurers Guild or fancy event. Saliss gave her a friendly smile.
Heres some free advice: act like a Bronze-rank in this inn. Or the [Innkeeper] will serve you her specialty. Humble pie. Wait, why did I tell you that? Go ahead and bother her.
He shooed Lehra with his claws. Shriekblade hadnt let go, but Saliss winked at Lehra.
I could use a good laugh. Hello, who are these delightful [Merchants]?
Saliss of Lights, you rogue.
Qwera shook his hand with a sigh, but she actually smiled. As for Ysara, she nodded at the Drake, and he looked her up and down as Ylawes stared in horror at the naked Drake. The Goblins were just laughingthose that werent eying Saliss and Shriekblade with alarm.
Hey, Saliss is here! Get the nuts-box!
Erin shouted. The inn exploded into laughter, and Mrsha beamed. She ran forwards and tried to pose in front of these famous people as Drassi practically dashed back into the common room. The scrying orb illuminated these peopleand Saliss, who had just dumped a potion of [Invisibility] over Mrshas head.
But that was alright. The [Alchemist] was laughing as the worlds first censor bar appeared. And Mrsha the Invisible embarked on her greatest reign of terror yet. Especially because Saliss handed her the half-empty vial.
What an inn.
This night, the attraction was the guests. Lehra sat, slightly more humble, but still as loud as could be, scarfing down food. The Golden Gnoll was eating with three top [Merchants], while the Players of Celum performed on the inns stage.
Just like the old times. However, the new times included more good things, at least, to the inns family.
Like Rags, sitting with Erin and looking urbanely amused as she dined with the funniest group in the world.
Namely, a stiff, nay, wooden Ylawes, Erin, Dawil, Numbtongue, Ysara, Yvlon, and Pelt. The Dwarf [Smith] had come out of his forge to see why Hedault was missing meetings, and nary a stranger group existed.
Especially because Dawil and Pelt had a weird relationship, and the three Y-named Byres siblings were a mix of uncomfortable with each otherand very familiar with their own friends.
Plus Goblins. Pelt glared at Rags suspiciously as she ate spaghetti off a fork.
Hows it, Rags? Just like you remember?
Eh. Ive had better cooking since then. Im not the Goblin I used to be. Sad.
Numbtongue looked horrified and outraged. Erins mouth fell open. Pelt? He roared with laughter, and a little Goblin compounded Erins pain.
Yeah. Bad food. Stick it to the man! Woman.
Gothica! Shoo! Shoo! Wait a secKevin! Are you teaching Gothica?
Kevin ducked at another table, hunching his shoulders as Poisonbite and a bunch of Goblins fed a little bee preening and fanning her wing with awe. The herald of a new age buzzed happily.
So, um, Ysara. I see youve kept up with your sword training. Perhaps we should spar later.
Ylawes poked at his plate as if trying to poke a hole through the awkwardness. Ysara tried to wave it off.
These days, you and Yvlon are the real adventurers. Lets talk about that, not the old days. I heard you were at Wistram. How was that, Ylawes?
The [Knight] froze, and his eyes slid sideways to Falene, who was eating with Suxhel, but Dawil bailed him out.
Wistram? We met with Eldavin, and the first thing he did was chuck Ylawes out a window. We were trying to make a deal to help out Erin, but the Silver Swords arent worth much in the heart of magic.
He what?
Yvlon looked astonished, and Pelt snorted.
Sounds like every [Archmage] Ive met. He didnt turn the idiot into a frogand you broke the axe. Ill kill you!
He half-overturned the table, and everyone had to pull him back. Dawil fended off Peltevery few minutes, the [Smith] would turn homicidal. But food and drink calmed him down. Yvlon had to wrestle Pelt back down, and Ylawes tried again.
I only regret we didnt enchant our blades or gain something other than a few levels from the journey. Which is, in itself, good, but I felt rather foolish at the expedition. Yvlon has leveled up. Ysara, did anything interesting happen at the Meeting of Tribes?
Oh, only a war.
Ysara coughed into one hand. Her younger brother wavered.
Ah, yes.
She took pity on Ylawes.
I could have used your sword there. I never felt as useless as I did with a single blade in front of an army of Drakes.
She tapped the sword at her side, and Pelt snorted as he gulped down a huge mug of dark ale from Noelictus. The good stuff.
Well, fancy skill at arms wont do you much good with a piece of pig iron like that. Even if you are a [Merchant], you should be ashamed of yourself. The only person sitting here with good metal is Dawil, and he snapped hisand Yvlons arms.
He pointed accusingly at the two. Ylawes and Ysara looked outraged. The [Knight] bared part of his silver-metal blade.
Master Pelt! My sword was made by a Level 30 [Blacksmith]!
And mines an heirloom from House Byres armory!
Ysara added. Pelt looked at both their swords.
Amazing. And here I couldnt tell. Heirlooms? A Level 30 [Smith]? You could throw them in a bucket of inferior swords in Derthal-Vel and Id never notice.
Both Humans bristled, and Rags began cackling. Gothica poked her head up and took a huge bite out of some macaroni and cheese for the table.
Your blades are so dull I wipe my butt with them.
Hah! I like this Goblin. Pull up a seat.
Master Pelt!
Erin looked amused and horrifiedand that was before Rags joined in.
Be nice to the Humans, Smith Pelt. Its not their fault they think anything shiny is sharp.
The relentless savagery of the two Goblins and Pelt was making up for the Byres awkwardness. Dawil was pounding the table and laughing until Pelt glanced at Rags. He clearly knew her from Orefell; even he paid attention.
Hedault, who was sitting at the table where he was suffering the presence of Suxhel and Falenes most elevated company, glanced up sharply as Pelt suddenly stood.
Wait a second. I never noticedshow me whats at your side. Who made that sword?
What sword? I dunno what youre talking about, Pelt. Hey, Ylawes, what about them goats, huh?
Erin began sweating as Rags put a hand on her new sword hilt. Hedault got up, and everyone was staring at Ragsright until they turned to Erin and gave her a look.
However, that just prompted another Goblin to hurry over. Redscar had three swordsalthough he wasnt about to put the third in his mouth. Even his teeth werent that strong.
Pelt recoiled as the Goblin dumped three swords on the table.
Whats this?
My swords. These two.
The Hob pointed at Garen Redfangs famous blade and the frost one that he used in his off-hand. Then he pointed at the third sword for some reason. Hedault had gotten up, and Pelt snorted.
You want me to do what, Goblin? Reforgewell, this one has a nice enchantment. This one is nice trash.
He dismissed Redscars two personal blades, and the Goblin didnt seem that hurt. He nodded and pointed to the third blade.
What about this?
The [Smith] frowned. He pulled the blade out of the sheath, then eyed the sharp blade with the faintly maroon tinge of magic that glowed if he held it up to the light.
Ehsteels not that pure. Enchantment, Hedault? Looks average. Hm.
He broke off for a second and gave the sword a longer look. Pelt, who could stare at a blade mostly in the sheath and tell you how worthless it was, frowned. Hedault was on his feet too and frowning.
The enchantment is [Bloodletter] and [Sharpness]. Competently enough done. I would call it a Level 25 [Enchanter]s work. Average to a Silver-rank adventurer or a low Gold-rank one.
Right. Right. Anythinggood about it?
Redscars eyes gleamed. Pelt glanced up suspiciously, and suddenly, Rags looked fascinated. Ylawes sat up despite himself, and Ysaras ears perked up. Everyone turned to Pelt, and Numbtongue thought he realized why that third blade was special.
Its odd as shit.
Pelt held up the blade, grumbling. He swung it, and half the table leaned back, then frowned.
Not perfectly balanced, but good enough. Steels not perfect. But its
He suddenly dropped it and wiped a hand on his shirt. Hedault was nodding. The two artisans looked at each other and then turned to Redscar.
Who made that blade?
Pelt eyed it, and Redscar smiled.
Was wondering. Why? Anything special?
Rags glanced at Erin, and the [Innkeeper]s own eyes widened. Did that mean? Pelt slowly took a huge bite of breaded mac and cheese. He chomped down a rash of bacon, reached for a handful of buttered greens, and Ysara handed him a fork. He gave her a long look, but snatched it.
No one forged that sword with a hammer. I cant sense any metalwork on the blade. Its uncanny. Its as if something justproduced the steel, ready-made, with flaws in it. Hedault?
I sensed no magicalidentity behind the magic either. Every [Mage] has a signature to their mana. This one has none. It is not perfect. But it is just magic, spun, without a hand to guide it.
Both looked at Redscar, and the Goblin exhaled.
Yeah. Guess where I got it?
Redscar pointed up.
Out of the sky. Reward from a <Quest>.
Every head turned to Erin. Pelt slowly muttered an oath under his breath, and Hedaults brows shot up. Ysara stared at the free magic sword in sudden fascination. Erin raised her hands. She looked from face to face and smiled nervously.
S-so, how about Rags sword, huh? Fascinating.
What an inn.
The same person repeated himself as the table broke into further arguments. That person wore dark clothing, but not midnight black. More the worn, thick, casual clothing of a man who was used to being outdoors all day at work.
That man was old Bamer, who had ears good enough to pick up on fascinating conversations around the inn. Some were cloaked, but he was
Well. He was like a hungry man at a feast. And despite the bloody steak he was eating, his hunger was something different entirely.
After all, he could smell so many things. Mind you, he was keeping as far away from House Byres as possible, damn them.
But even he and his companions hadnt resisted the allure of the inn. They were actually sitting in the quiet part of the inn, where a [Silence] spell kept table-conversations only audible to each other.
That was to let the Players of Celum perform on stage. A curtain kept the light of the eating and dining portion from reaching the people who sat in darkness.
On stage, Juliet and Romeo enacted the timeless tragedy. The crowd was fairly enraptured; the [Actors] had Skills and levels such that you felt like you could feel the longing for each other, and when they fought in duels, it looked real and bloody.
Of course, that only made the Vampires hungrier. Himilt, for his part, did not listen. He was watching the play with one eye. Colfa? She was rapt, fascinated with the play itself. Why Colfa val Lischelle-Drakle, who dressed in high red velvet and black and white like some ancient queen of Terandria or Calanfers knights, liked the stage with all its light and glamorone couldnt possibly guess.
Himilts clothing was as subdued as Bamers, but he was watching the busy inn with different eyes. He was counting.
Lehra Ruinstrider was subdued at her table, longingly glancing at Erin, but she was speaking politely to Jelaqua and the Horns. She was oneand the Vampires kept shivering whenever the Named-rank Adventurer crawled overhead on patrol.
That made two. Two, to make Himilts own cold blood run. But the third, Saliss of Lights, had left after a while.
A female Drake with rose and cobalt scales had replaced him shortly thereafter. She was sitting with Qwera, a male Drake, Councilmember Elirr, and the Lamia, Hexel. In fact, Ysara excused herself from her table to join them presently.
Who or what she was, Himilt didnt know. Nor did he know why she was special, only that he knew.
The blood called. Yet he was a master of himself. Not all of his family were.
Fierre was not here. She had promised to join in and visit, but she had work. Himilt was sympathetic to it; Colfa was more concerned about her daughters wellbeing, especially after her changes.
He had his own worries. Keeping an eye on the Byres family was one of them.
We cannot escape them. If they perform their trick in Liscor
The Watch Captain stopped them. There is a river and groundwater aplenty. Hold your peace, Bamer.
The older Vampire was fidgety. But the most restless person wasRivel.
Fierres older brother and the youngest member of the family who still worked the new farm they were setting up. Ever since he had learned the truth of their treachery, he had been unhappy. Unhappyand he had spoken like many Vampires whod learned what Ryoka had uncovered.
Silver in the water. Himilt had done what he could, but he could not rule his kin. He worriedbut here, at least, Rivel seemed more pleased.
I think Ill join the others. They have a dice room. Cards. Even the Goblins are playing. And weights.
Dont show off.
Himilt cautioned him, and Rivel scowled. But he sometimes did when wrestling with the Humans in Reizmelt. Everyone made mistakes. He was just about to head off when the group of four froze at their table again.
They were not the only vampires whod come to set up the new farm in Liscor. But they were a family, so they were dining together. Now, they frozeand even Colfa looked away from the stage.
Himilt saw Rivel tense, but he glanced at his son, and Rivel put his hands in his pockets. Bamer studiously stared at his plate, and all four heard
Giggling. Even a normal person could have heard that. Himilt reached for a piece of melted brie that hed actually sold to the markets and that had landed up in this inn. Perhaps I could sell it to this place directly?
But he hadnt introduced himself to Erin Solstice. He was wary of her. Her blood whispered to him.
Nohe watched as a mysterious something lifted the piece of cheese up. Then someone else snatched a bit of herring off Colfas plate.
My word, what is this?
Colfa sounded fairly astonished, although she might have hammed it up. The giggling grew louder before a shh made the voices grow silent. Himilt made a show of half-rising, looking concerned.
Is someone there?
He tried not to stare at the outlines of the three giggling children, Mrsha, Ekirra, and Visma, as they stole bits of food off the tables. The other Vampires looked everywhere but Visma, who was waving the cheese around in what she thought was a spooky manner.
Ooh. Ooooooh.
Himilt was hoping theyd leave so he could stop pretending when a voice shouted.
Got you, you little rats!
Everyone in the actors section of the inns [Grand Theatre] jumped as a loud voice cut through the [Silence] spell.
Wailant Strongheart was a loud man, and he snatched Ekirra up by the scruff of the neck. Visma squeaked and turned to run, but he had her up under one arm. Mrsha bolted for it.
Come back, you salt-[Thief]! Ill teach you to nab my damn omelet!
Sir! Sir, theres a play going on!
Temile practically sprinted towards them. Wailant glanced up at the stage. Juliet, the Gnoll playing her, raised a paw as she looked around the balcony.
Hush, Romeo! Do you hear that? Lower your voice, lest we be overheard!
Wonderful improvisation. The Vampires nearly applauded that themselves as Wailant drew behind the curtain, embarrassed. Himilt rose and nodded to the others as he followed.
He was worried the unfamiliar man would take out his embarrassment and apparent wrath on the children. If he did, Himilt was sure that Erin Solstice wouldnt stand for it.
But just in case. He saw the [Pirate] scolding the two as Viceria waved a wand, and they reappeared.
Its one thing to play pranksanother to ruin someones meal! Let alone run your grubby paws over everything! Wheres that Mrsha gone? Show yourself or itll be worse for you when its time to settle debts.
He threatened the air as Visma gulped and stared up at the angry [Pirate]. Himilt watched, ready to grab Wailants raising fist, and Visma burst into tears. Himilt stepped forwardsand Wailant lowered his fist.
AhI didnt mean to shout. Dont cry, little girl. There you go, there you go. I just meant its not something to be done. Especially around people with bad tempers!
Like you, Wailant? Youve terrified the children! Come here, little one. Wheres your family?
Viceria reassured Visma. Himilt exhaled as Visma clung to her, and Wailant looked embarrassed again. He snatched at the air, and a wiggling Mrsha appeared. Dame Ushar came over, and Mrsha glared defiantly at her.
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do, huh? Go get Erin or Lyonette!
The Thronebearers had never actually done any disciplining of Mrsha, and so Mrsha the Radically Defiant had little fear of Dame Ushar.
That was, until the Thronebearer took hold of her.
I deeply apologize, Farmer Wailant. I will make amends with the staff. Excuse me one moment, though?
She pulled at Mrsha, and the Gnolls ears flattened. Uh oh. Which would be worse? Erin or Lyonette?
She was wondering which one Dame Ushar was taking her tountil she realized Ushar was taking her into the kitchen. There, the Thronebearer calmly presented Mrsha to the person whose meals she was ruining.
Imani and Calescent. Mrsha gulped as Dame Ushar calmly announced that a number of guests meals had been ruined.
Nanette poked her head out from behind Calescent as Mrsha the Suddenly Accountable looked at Dame Ushar as the Thronebearer bowed to her. And the rest of her night?
Dishes. And cutting onions.
Ekirra and Visma got off easier, and their parents and siblings recovered them. Himilt was satisfied with that and sneaking away when the [Pirate]-[Farmer] caught him.
Hold on. I saw you giving me the evil eye, fellow. Thought Id be lashing those children?
I was mistaken, sir. I hope you wont take my actions amiss.
Not at all. Not at all. If I was in your shoes, Id be ready to jump a man who did that, sea or land. I like you. And Ive actually been wanting to talk to you, so this is a happy coincidence. Wailant Strongheart. Strongheart Farmsin Celum. Youre the Lischelle-Drakles. Practically royalty.
The [Pirate] stuck out a hand challengingly, and now Himilt remembered the rumors of one of the most insane [Farmers] in the region who produced Sages Grass. He shook the hand.
Himilt Drakle. A pleasure.
It is! Although all the competitions starting to make me nervous. Like a man pissing next to a half-Giant. Have you heard about Riverfarm? My own daughter just brought me back a sample of their produce as a gift. Dyou have a moment? Viceria, Viceriaheres the Drakle family!
And youve made the worst impression so far, Wailant. Hello, sir. At least invite the family over!
To Himilts surprise, the two [Farmers] were exceptionally cordial, if unique. In short order, he found himself discussing his new venture with Wailant.
Seems like a huge risk, moving from Reizmelt all the way here. Dont tell me the Drakes offering you a pittance to do it was why.
Not at all. Actually, our old farmlands were dead. Not even Skills could helpif we had them.
Damn, really? But youre herders, right?
That is our speciality, but Liscor is so fertile, were hoping to expand the farms.
Wailant poured Himilt a glass of wine.
With what, magical crops or mundane? I cant imagine you want to try mass-farming on the lumpy hills.
Himilt smiled.
We will have to shift a lot of soil, but we are willing to put in the work. Even if we need to hire earth mages or theAntinium. As for crops, we would, of course, try magical. Ashwheat. Something rare and profitable. We do feed our animals on such crops. But weve sold much of our herds and will acquire local stock.
Wailants brows rose.
Well. And I thought the only brave men were at sea. Youre starting completely over, arent you?
The Vampire ducked his head.
We must. So far, it has been a promising start.
Promising, but lonely, despite them being closer to a city. And Himilt had realized that was because his family had to be, by their nature and necessity, private. Yet Wailant just indicated the door that led out the inn.
Well, it wouldnt be right for me not to offer a Lischelle-Drakle the hospitality of my house. Would you care for a luncheon or dinner sometime this week? You could take a look around, and if you need to know the best vendors, I can set you up. Although frankly, this inn is lucrative in itself.
Thank you.
Himilt felt oddly touched by the gesture, and he ended up taking off his gloves to shake Wailants hand. The [Farmers] smiled, and Wailant winked.
Just so you knowIm hoping this might be a profitable relationship. The best kind. I might be retired, but it seems to me there is a world of possibility in Liscor, and Im glad Im not the only one who saw it.
Himilt hadnt actually considered that, only a place to be free. But as he shook Wailants hands and looked around for Colfa, he realized
This might be a new chance in more ways than one. The Lischelle-Drakle family had always been careful not to be outstandingly rich or successful because that was dangerous. But Liscor?
New ventures could be a wild success. If you were willing to put in the work and you actually found success, of course. But a Vampire?
Himilt feared no work any more than he feared monsters. What he fearedhe glanced at Ylawes.
What he feared was silver. And the people who carried it.
Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle knew that this was the hour she had been waiting for. A party. Entertainment. Already, huge names were coming into The Wandering Inn.
And here she was, stuck, while the inn was probably winding down for the day. She checked the clock gloomily.
Half past ten. Wonderful. And she was here.
It was inevitable. She was a secret broker. The inn was having a moment. This was the prime time to move information and secrets about Erin, the adventurers, and so on.
Very profitable, of course. Why, shed just sold a weird [Thief] with a crystal hand all the information she had on the Thief of Clouds. And that [Thief] was a goldmine of information in and of themself.
Fierre suspected she was part of something bigger, like the thefts in Calanfer. But there were ranks to any group, and if the brokers who could tell you what was up were Named-rank, Fierre was, um
Silver-rank. High-Silver or low Gold-rank, maybe, maybe, with all the gold shed gotten from Ryoka, but Fierre felt like she was just Silver where shed been Bronze in Reizmelt. She needed power, more contacts, more secrets.
So she had to sit here, put in the work, and be sad that she wasnt getting to be in on the action. Fierre assured herself that there was a line, even at this late hour. How many brokers could boast of that?
How many brokers had more agents and didnt have to have a line? She forced that idea out of her head as the Steel Golem, standing motionless on one side of the room, slowly scanned its head left and right, as if searching for threats. It did this every ten minutes, but it hadnt moved from when Fierre had last told it to stand there.
A thin layer of dust already coated the reflective metal, but it just meant Fierres tiny office, hidden by the enchanted steel door, worked. Her single desk filled with notes and the cabinets behind her faced a wooden chair shed upgraded to have a padded seat.
Quiet, professionalFierre heard someone knocking and sighed.
No one even knows the knock anymore. That was fine. Shed paid off the Watch already.
The door openedand Fierre tried her best mysterious smile with just a hint of fangs as she sat up behind her desk. Shed bought some more form-fitting clothing, in a quasi-[Assassin] look.
She still had yet to really unveil her full potential, but she was now familiar enough in her new body to understand how dangerous an opponent was. Seeing a war had told her that high levels could still threaten herand that she was a threat.
So it was with confidence, mystique, and perhaps veiled sexual innuendo that she gave her new visitor a sly look. Then a look of horror.
Colfa Lischelle-Drakle looked around Fierres room.
So this is where you work. Its sopedestrian, Fierre. Is that a Golem?
She did a double-take as Fierre saw Colfa hadnt even closed the door! A polite [Rogue] pulled it shut, and Colfa waved.
I wont be long! Just visiting my daughter.
Fierre stared in growing horror as a group ofhighly awkward robed or hooded figures stood in line. Like someone having a bad dream, thoughts swam into her panicking mind.
Why is my mother here? How did she find me? How long has she been waiting in line, and cruciallywhat did she say to them?
These were dire questions, and Fierre feared the worst. But Colfa was peering around the room.
Fierre! I know you took on the Opener job because you wanted to be your own woman, but have we taught you nothing? Your desk is so plain. You have no decorations aside from this Golemhow much did it cost? Is that why you sent back so much gold? Your father was beside himself, and we did expect your presence anon at dinner.
She was a bit casual since they werent being proper Vampires, but it still worked itself in. Colfa could direct [Shepherds] and talk shop with a [Butcher], after all. Fierre spluttered.
Mother! My work is secrethow did you even find me?
Oh, Garia Strongheart told me when I asked. A very proper young woman who pays respect from blood to blood. Her father is a [Farmer]. A quite fascinating one.
Garia. Fierre hissed, but Colfa wasnt done.
And your clothes!
Fierre tried to cover her clothes, which were like [Assassin]s garbyes
Cosplay assassins. Colfa pointed at it.
Completely unacceptable. No daughter of mine will look like some nightwalker. Night stalker, Fierre. Less bodice and webbing, more cloak.
Colfa wasnt done. She pointed at the far wall.
And your wall? Its pale beige. Beige, Fierre? Are you some kind of [Scribe]? You could do black or red or even texture it like brickwork. No drapes? Noambiance?
Mother, its my office. I can decorate it how I want!
Fierres aggrieved tone seemed to hurt her mother, and Colfa sighed.
Im sure you do very well. You had a lot of very keen customers. I shant take up your time! But at least let me
She found a handkerchief and began dusting the Golem. Fierre protested, but that was the thing about mothers. Fierre was going to dust the Golem! Justat some point. Then her mother placed something on the table.
Although we drink the ichor of others, I thought you might be hungry. Here.
Fierre stared down at her favorite bloody shepherds pie as Colfa looked around. She smiled, and Fierre muttered.
Thanks, Mother.
Make sure to visit tomorrow or we shall worry.
She pinched Fierres cheek affectionately, then swept out of the office. And it was a real sweep. Fierre wished she could pretend to that level of casual arrogance that made one of the people in line step out of the way deferentially and another tip his hat to her.
Then again, that might come from being royalty among [Herders]. Fierre did tuck into her food because her mother was gone, and she resented that Colfa had somehow known Fierre hadnt eaten since breakfast.
She had the terrible feeling that the next guests had received something like a baked snack from Colfa, because one of them was crunching on something, and another hid what looked suspiciously like a meat strudel behind their back when she walked in.
Fierre glumly provided intelligence to someone else who wanted intelligence on a Jeromhe looked familiar, or rather, his blood felt familiar, but she didnt ask questions of Lyonettes people. She took a report on a theft from a [Merchant] and sent a notification to the Merchants Guildas if they didnt know who had it already and werent negotiating.
And then the most interesting visitor of the day walked in, eyed the Golem, and took a seat. Fierre stopped and stared, a fork raised. Indeed, even the people waiting outside had gone quiet. They backed up because even if they were permitted, the sight of a dozen Goblins, most Hobs, appearing on the quiet street alarmed even Invrisils rogues.
Redscar, Badarrow, and Snapjaw had joined Poisonbites team to escort a single person into Fierres office. Rags nodded to Fierre.
Technically, it was night, but the greeting completely caught the Vampire off-guard. She gulped.
Youre Chieftain Rags, arent you?
In her office? Of course, shed intended to meet Rags, and she knew she was a friend of The Wandering Inn and Erin, butthe Goblin was eying Fierres cabinets with great interest. She sniffed at the remains of the pie, then spoke.
I am. Do you know me?
Fierre blinked and hesitated. The Goblin had to know who she was, so despite her panic, she found a piece of paper and read from it.
Flooded Waters Tribe? High Passes, estimated at least six thousand Goblins, high-level Hobs, some possibly over Level 30. Ogres and Carn Wolf auxiliaries, and its estimated at a Level 40+ infiltration job? No hugeworthwhile goods aside from monster parts.
Rags raised her brows. She looked impressed.
40+ to steal from us?
No, 40+ for infiltration means to get in and out without someone getting killed. You can force it below the issue, but its our benchmark.
Ah. Hm. Not bad.
Rags looked vaguely pleased at the appraisal. Fierre fumbled with the paper. This was incredible. A Goblin in Invrisil?
Wasnt that insane? But noshe knew there were Goblins in the underworld, and lets assume you were the Watch. If you saw some people with hoods on down the street, you might be curious, but you wouldnt assume they were Goblins.
Yet only this Goblin would be so bold! Fierre flashed back to the Kraken Eater Goblins whod gotten loose, and she wondered if she were in danger.
Heh. Im not the one in danger, she is! Fierre was confidentright until she looked up and saw Rags watching her. The Goblin made her nervous, despite being short and Fierre having a Golem nearby.
Youre Fierre. Erin told me about you.
She did? Oh, so thats how you found me?
Rags shook her head.
No. I knew about you. [Rogues] know you as one of Invrisils Openers. When I asked, Normen told me you were good. Reliable.
Now that made Fierre blush slightly. If a Brother said it, that was a recommendation worth a lot! She wondered if hed let her quote him.
WellI do my best. And I am an Opener. Ahem. Excuse me, Ive never had a Goblin as a client. Can Ihelp you?
Rags narrowed her eyes slightly.
I think so. So I knowI pay you for whatever information I need.
Information, connections, secrets, weak spotseven blueprints, plans. I can get you anything, but rememberyou never saw me. Thats the rules around here. Not that anyone writes them down, but its about trust. Gold up frontand if I cross you, my reputation and life is on the line.
It felt weird saying all that out loud, but Fierre felt like it was necessary. Rags thought about this.
Hm. Anyone ever try to kill you?
Mostly only idiots who make mistakes and want to blame me for it. Ive handled a fewbut one time I sold information that got me hexed.
Fierre still sometimes felt a prick and wondered if she had a needle still buried in her body. She shuddered, and Rags nodded.
So you choose your danger. I understand. Well. I am Rags. You know me. Will you take me as a client?
The question surprised the Vampire girl, but she nodded slowly.
Can you pay? I could accept more than gold.
I have gold. I have a lot I want to know, but how did you know that about Goblinhome? The [Rogues], I assume?
Fierre waved that off.
Dont take it personally. Information is gold, so if a dealer came to you to make contact, theyd sell it. Not to adventurersnot unless they really thought there was nothing to gain. Er
Then she realized shed just given away valuable intelligence. Rags didnt smile, but Fierre caught herself. Clever Goblin.
She sat up a bit and stabbed her leg with a toe to wake up. Rags nodded, glancing at the Golem.
Good. Then you know quite a lot.
Fierre had bought a bunch of connections with gold, which was an expensive way to put yourself ahead. She nodded.
Im well connected. How can I help you? Consider everything Ive said a free sample of my intelligence networks. Mind you, I wont help if you try and attack Tenbault. Thatd land me in hot water; even Faceshigh-level criminalsneed the Healer. Some dont like you on the basis of that alone; some think your tribe is very valuable. Have you gotten any offers for employment as [Mercenaries]? Oh, and what did you get from the Healer? Anyspells?
She was itching to know any of this, but Rags just studied her fingernails. To Fierres mortification, the Goblins were calmer than she was! Maybe her mother had a point about the atmosphere.
I can tell youif you help me first. If you know [Rogues] are visiting Goblinhomeweve been trading for their artifacts. I know their names. But theyre probably fake. Do you know a Whet? [Rogue], five feet ten inches tall, black hair, has a slightly limp back foot. Two curved blades on his hips, a stiletto on wrist? Carries a spell to make him jump in a scroll on his belt.
Fierres fingers twitched. Her mind lit up as she sorted through identities.
I can do a lookup. Sounds familiar, but thats not actually distinguishing for a [Rogue]. Still, there are only a few whod make contact with your tribe.
Rags thought.
The catalog on offer had a scrying spell deflection spell by Mage Aumeth for sale. They also offered strange blades. Shurikens. Verytwisty blades with multiple edges.
Aha. Aha. That sounds like you made contact with the Wharf group.
Fierre knew who sold Drathian-related items. Only a few had harbor access, and she named the likeliest mob who dealt in goods, not services like the Brothers. Rags smiled.
Thats what they called themselves.
Fierre and Rags sat back for a moment in mutual appreciation. So, that had been a test. Fierre was glad she had said it.
So, are you not happy with their goods?
Mm. No. Theyre decent. They work. But only the [Rogue] came to deliver goods, and he asked for Wyvern hides and other parts in payment. Gold, gemstoneshis prices seemed high. Even for me.
Now, Fierre understood. She smiled tightly. Oldest con in the books was selling to someone who had no other options.
Oh, I see. So youd like me to take a catalog or look into whether theyre ripping you off? Cheating you? Do you have a catalog?
For answer, Rags slid a pamphlet of paper over the table, and Fierre chuckled. But Rags just smiled blandly.
No. I want to know by how much theyre cheating me. This is useful, right?
Oh, very. My goodness, is this their complete catalog of saleable items? And they just let you have it?
Rags shrugged. She probably understood what shed just given Fierre, but the Vampire had to explain.
Thisthis is all their latest prices on all the goods they sell. They must have thought you could afford a lot, but their representatives dont leave this lying around. Tell you what. Can I make a copy of this? I will give you a lot of credit. Its worth money to all their competitors and enemies.
Sure. I like credit. Its worthless unless we work together. But I think we can work together.
Rags folded her hands over her stomach as Fierre quickly produced a magnifying glass. She ran it over the catalog, page by page, then ran it over a blank piece of paper. The copied text was often blurred and badly transferred, so Fierre had to jot down quick notes and prices, but it even captured the layout.
As she worked, she looked at Rags.
I can have a list of market prices and competitors you could find in a days time. Ill even help you make contact if you can get word to me. There are speaking stones and [Message] spells that cant be easily tracked.
I know. But I dont want other competitors. Its too much work. If they cheat us, were Goblins. We go into a city? We die. Better to deal with this Wharf if theyre reliable.
That was true. Fierre shrugged; she had never considered how monsters would have to deal with even the underworld on unfavorable terms.
So, what? Information?
Mm. Information. ButI heard that Openers could open letters too. Get you things. Get rid of things.
The Vampire glanced up, and her hand paused with the magnifying glass in hand.
Normally I approach a fence, but I have moved items that come in Runners letters now and then. Why?
Rags scratched at her chin.
Well. I dont need many criminal artifacts. Somebut my smiths dont have lots of iron in the mountains. We have to dig for veins. Wood is expensive. Everything is hard to transfer. But the inn has a door, and Palt the Centaur is ashady [Illusionist].
Ullsinoi. Hes a contact for spells and recreational drugs. Nothing dangerous. Yeah, why?
An idea was percolating in Fierres mind, and it was the same one that Rags was surely here about. The Vampire slowly closed the catalog and slid it back over the table. Rags fixed Fierre with a smile.
How hard is it for an Opener who knows everything to get metwo thousand steel nails? Fifteen pounds of butter? Books? Chickens? We have to find a way to take it home, but if you get me what I want, I will pay you to get it.
Fierre blinked. She had expected it, but when Rags said it, Fierre realizedshe wanted a broker. Someone to carry out her goals in Invrisil. Instantly, Fierre went to danger and benefits.
The danger wasbeing associated with Rags. Perhaps itd be suspicious if she bought all that, but it wasnt hard to hire someone to buy nails. And Rags was hardly a wanted monster like the Goblin Lord. The Wharf might be unhappy, but business was business.
And the plus side really outweighed that. Rags might be a Goblin in a tribe, and maybe she was poor, but if the Wharf wanted her business
Imagine a towns worth of goods. Even a fairly self-sufficient one imported sugar and goods and whatnot. Six thousand of them? Even if it were only six thousand
Imagine the tariffs on all the goods they bought. And Goblins paid no tariffs, and neither did the underworld. So imagine you, Fierre, were pulling all the coin off a margin on whatever you bought.
The Vampire almost drooled at the thought. Rags gave Fierre a smile, and the Opener pulled herself together. Focus.
Why me? Because Im a friend of the inn?
Yep. Youre probably trustworthy. More than a random [Rogue]. So, how about it? I give you coin, you give me things I need. Saythe nails, tomorrow? Small list?
Let melet me just call a few people. By all means, did you say two thousand steel nails? Any size? Fifteen pounds of butterwhy chickens?
Rags scowled as she sighed.
My cooks want it. Chickens? My Goblins want feather pillows, and they want to raise chickens for food.
I could get you pre-made pillows. Soft ones. Silk or filled with Sariant wool, even. Pricey, but theres very reasonable goose feather ones.
Rags perked up as Fierre slyly began to scribble numbers down. She smiled and reached across the table. Fierre eyed the claw, then took it. Both gave each other a toothy grin.
I think we could do business.
The Goblin smirked, and the Vampires eyes twinkled with avarice.
I quite agree. Speaking ofis there anything else I should know about coming up tomorrow? Anything with your tribe or the inn, or are you really just here to visit?
Rags gave Fierre a polite smile.
I had my talk. Now? I get to watch the fun.
The inn was the place to be for meetings. For opportunity. If Rags were one example, well, seeing the meetings of adventurers, knowing this was the place of <Quests>, it all but confirmed it for others.
Like the new lamb named Nerry. She had been very sedate as she trotted from table to table, charming guests. A Sariant Lamb, like a housecat, was an actual draw for an establishment. Nerry curled up next to a snoozing Ksmvr, who had won the right to host her in the now-full guest rooms.
Adventurers and Qwera filled the other rooms, and the inn was quite spacious and nice, even for a Sariant Lamb. Why, you could even hear some of the occupants up late at night. Having intimate encounters.
Or, like Ysara and Ylawes, having the worlds quietest screaming match. The little lamb might not have been able to open doors, but she could hop up and down stairs quietly and listen under doorways.
Howevershe hadnt found a way into the secret rooms in the inn or the garden. Shed tried, and a force had held her back from the entrance. Later. She slept, knowing her time would come.
Like that, the first night of The Wandering Inn ended. A night of reunions, of laughter, of bittersweet talk and meetings. When people woke, it was time for actual activities, festivities, the bazaarand for the real celebrations to begin amping up.
However, even the best couldnt predict what would come the next day.
The day started for Rags with waking up in an unfamiliar bed. She got up, grumbled, and felt at her sheets. She was serious when she told Erin that she valued sheets more than people in her bed. She liked a good damn bed, alright? The inn had quite lovely beds, but shed already put in an order for some more good silk sheets and pillows for herself. Even magical sheets. Imagine how much you could get.
Fierre had told her you could buy an actual waterbed where you pulled a sheet of water over yourself as you slept. It didnt sound the most comfortable, but it did sound fun.
Unfortunately, Rags bed was occupied, a phenomenon she had grown used to. She kicked one body who grunted and another who kicked back.
Poisonbite, Redscar, and Taganchiel glared at Rags, but she mercilessly jabbed them awake. They had not been having fun. In fact, Rags rule was that if you found someone nice, you would not sully her room with it.
The reason they were sleeping four to a bed was that even with renovations, Erins inn could not physically house all the Goblins, adventurers, regular guests, and new staff. Even some of the guests like Qweras staff had to find other places or sleep multiple per bed.
Badarrow and Snapjaw got a smaller single room to themselves, but this room had two big bedsand the other one had six more Goblins sprawled out in various poses. All things considered, the Goblins had really enjoyed the accommodations.
Redscar stared out a glass window as the sun rose over the High Passes. He hmmed as Poisonbite fought over her clothes with one of her warriors.
What a strange way to live. He missed not waking up with Thunderfur, but he supposed it had some appeal. Numbtongue certainly lived like this, but as the Redfangs knew, he was a nerd.
As for Rags, she was poking everyone out of bed with a simple promise.
Breakfast. Breakfast. Up.
The idea of breakfast stirred her lazy Goblins, and soon they were dressing, buckling on belts, and arguing over whether they should explore the old Flooded Waters tribe cave or stay around the inn all day.
It certainly seemed like a fun vacation. However, before they filed out, Rags had an idea. She raised a claw, and Poisonbite stopped teasing Badarrow and Snapjaw, whod come in from their private rooms.
Hold on. I got a new Skill yesterday. Im going to try it out. Poisonbitestand there.
The Goblin instantly hid behind Badarrow. No one liked being the test subject of a new Skill, and every Goblin threw themselves out of the way of the finger.
Whats the new Skill, Chieftain?
Redscar didnt move as Rags grinned. The Goblin pointed at himthen nodded at Poisonbite as she aimed her second finger at the cursing Goblin.
[The Innkeepers Daily Bounty].
Poisonbite shrieked, covered her head, and ducked as she tensedand here Rags had to admit, in hindsight, that for all her study of the common language, she still had something to learn.
Because she had assumed, quite reasonably, that there was only one word for bounty. She, personally, had only ever heard it employed one way, but that was the thing about language. Poisonbite shrieked as something struck her. She looked upand the first egg bounced off her head with a thunk and landed on the floor.
Thunk. Thunk. Crack.
Four eggs hit Poisonbite in the head as she looked up.
What the
Redscar caught one of the eggs as it bounced off Poisonbites forehead and she swore. They hurt! That was because, to her great surprise, as Redscar checked the cracks, he saw no oozing yolk. They were, in fact, boiled eggs.
Eggs? Chieftain, whats your Skill?
I dont know! It said bounty, bounty!
Eggs were raining down on poor Poisonbite, and the goblin shrieked back.
What bounty? Egg bounty? What are you, an [Egg Bounty Hunter]?
Someone coughed in the doorway, and all the Goblins turned. The surreptitious nerd himself, Numbtongue, was laughing at Poisonbite.
Bounty. Bounty as in, generous. A bounty of food.
The [Bard] grinned. Poisonbite raised an egg to throw at him, then glanced up. She swore.
A ham hit her in the face, and she went down. Rags stared. It was a lot of food pouring out of the air! Waswas that ham green?
It was. And then she saw why it was Erins bounty: because only she would make a loaf as black as night to join the eggs and ham. Poisonbite looked up and rolled out of the way as a spoon nearly took out an eye.
[The Innkeepers Bounty] turned out to be, wellbreakfast. Or, Rags realized with the new definition in mind, whatever an [Innkeeper] might serve.
But, crucially here, an Erin-style breakfast or supplies. Which meant it was stupid.
Stupidly delicious. The Goblins were already stuffing themselves as they came downstairs, much to an [Innkeeper]s indignation. She put her hands on her hips as her special continental breakfast lost some of its charm.
Hey! Who gave you all that food?
You did.
Erins jaw fell open, but that was nothing to Palt. The Centaur was coming down the stairs as Rags explained the free food, and he slipped. The crash and scream of a Centaur falling down the stairs?
Indescribable. Imani raced out of the guest rooms she and Palt still used despite their new lodgings in Liscor, and found Erin pouring a bit of potion over Palt. Everyone else came down, but the Centaur barely felt the pain. He was pointing at Rags.
I didnt break my leg, did I? I didntgood. Shes got a cornucopia Skill! How does she havethats one of the rarest Skills along with healing!
The Goblin stopped. Another word she didnt know. She munched on a slice of the deliciously fresh ham as several of Erins guests made suitably awed noises. Mostly Ceria, Ksmvr, and Mrsha, who imagined what theyd do with all that free food.
Eat it. Theyd eat it.
Rags, for her part, was quite pleased by another supplement to the food issue that often plagued Goblins. But she just had one question.
Why is the ham green?
Eggs is green too. Chieftain.
Redscar spoke between a mouthful of egg as Numbtongue tried not to correct him and say, eggs are. Because he was a word-nerd.
It was funny, to Erin, to see a relationship that she hadnt known existed of the Redfangs punching each other and teasing Numbtongue. But she was also perplexed by the eggs.
They lookdifferent. Is something in em?
She was worried, but Poisonbite chewed happily.
Melty cheese. Hot eggs. Nice eggs. This one has bits of bacon inside.
Bird gasped.
Green eggs? Are they fromgreen birds?
Everyone looked at him. Bird waved his arms frantically.
Super green birds! Even the whites of the eggs are greens! I must know which bird they came from!
Rags pointed at the hamit didnt taste bad. Erin heard a snort. She turned, and Kevin had come up.
I bet I know. Its green eggs and ham, Erin. That is so like you.
Whno its not! Wait, thats hilarious. Id totally do that. But I havent!
Then maybe its something you would do? Or have you never made green ham before?
Erin hesitated. Everyone stared at her, and she scuffed a toe on the floor.
Maaaaaybe for Christmas. Yknow, Dr. Seuss? But Im amazed the Skill grabbed that!
This. This is why you have a [Chef], Erin. Imani, my dear, do I look like Ive recovered my dignity?
Recovered, yes. Dignity? You had little to begin with, my bygone stallion.
Imani teased him, and Palt looked hurt.
I give the flirtatious appellations, thank you. As for foodsomeone pass me the ham. Or anything to eat. Its going to be a busy day.
When you started with green eggs and ham, you couldnt start any better. That was how Erin saw things, but what a morning.
The inn was opening to regular customers for breakfast, so Erin glumly munched on bisque as her friends ate, then she switched over to real food. But the chaos of yesterday was turning into real energy today.
Free green eggs! Just peel em and eat! Genius. They have food inside them! Why dont we carry these, Suxhel?
Lehra waved around the eggs, which were filled with treats, like a devilled egg yolk or cheese or bits of bacon. Suxhel answered out of the corner of her mouth.
Because theyve already been cooked. Take them with you on a trip and theyll rot.
Oh. Wellhiyah!
The Gnoll karate-chopped the egg in half, and Emper blocked a fragment of eggshell as it spun towards his face. Lehras team gave her such glowers that she hunched over and began to eat like an adult.
However, Erin grinned and forgave Lehra for yesterday. She was such a funny Named-rank adventurer! Unfortunately, Lehra was enough for everyone by herselfbut this was The Wandering Inn.
The guests got stupid. Garia Strongheart was staying here, having never left the group, and when she tried to copy the chop, she struck her plate so hard she split it in half, flipped half her table up, and took Numbtongue out as the edge of his table rocketed up and slapped him on the chin. Mrsha stared as Garia bent over him, apologizing. Then she got up in her chair and performed a headbutt straight into her plate.
Qwera looked amused, Lyonette horrified. Ylawes, who was silent this morning, stared at the worst manners he had ever seenstraight until Dawil joined the scolding.
Thats not what you do at a table, Miss Mrsha. Watch.
He took a boiled egg and cracked it over his forehead. Like a gentleman. Rags Skill was clearly meant for a tribe, so there was food to spare.
In fact, there was so much that Moore was eating his fill for once, but Seborn was adamant about not even touching the green stuff.
I grew up on a ship. Sometimes, provisions rotted, and that was all we had. Ive eaten actual green ham. No. And no.
Nanette peeked at Seborn as she nibbled at a magical croissant roll. She was timid, but even Nerry the lamb seemed to like the days food. Howeverto Inkars mild chagrin, she was eating an entire rash of bacon.
Dont worry, Sariant Lambs eat anything people do.
Tkrn assured her, and Inkar nodded uneasily.
I knowdeer eat baby birds. But she looks happy.
She was beginning to pick up on Nerrys advanced intelligence, and that, more than anything, made the girl used to animals uneasy. However, her comment provoked a coughing fit at another table.
Deer dont eat birds. What are you talking about?
Joseph grinned as Inkar gave him a strange look.
Yes they do. Cows too. And horses.
Nah, thats when theyre sick. Theyre herbivores.
Who eat meat. When they need the nutrients.
They dont eat meat. Kevin, back me up.
Dude. Im not an animal expert. Inkar is. Deer eat birds? Thats gross, man. Too bad you didnt download Wikipedia onto your stuff. Inkarhow was the trip? Ive got a bike for you if you want to try it.
Inkar smiled at Kevin shyly; the Earthers had a camaraderie, even if they didnt know each other.
Thank you. Can Tkrn ride with me?
Hey, you got it. Anything for you two.
Kevin nodded at Inkar and turned back to his tablemates, Joseph and Birdthe Antiniums mouth was open.
Bird? Hey buddy, whats up?
I have competition? More competition? I thought horses were an ally!
Bird began slapping the table as everyone laughed at him. But Inkar eyed Kevin and leaned over to whisper in his ear. Tkrn tried not to listen in or look jealous.
Kevin. Kevin, that reminds me. You have a laptop and phones, right? And your bicyclesyou should give them all to Krshia for a week.
Inkar showed him her phone covertly as Rags, Pisces, and half a dozen people either looked up sharply and curiously or pretended like they had no idea what was going on.
She can upgrade it.
Kevins eyes bugged out as he saw her phone. He grabbed Joseph, and Joseph grabbed him back.
Kevin! Dude!
Poisonbite mocked them from the table, and it had already been ironic.
She sniggered, but Numbtongue was gazing up sharply with the scent of someone hearing that his favorite object besides his guitar could getbetter. Rags glanced at Erin, and the [Innkeeper] smiled.
Thats something I think we should show you, Rags. And I dont even have to be there. I hear Lyonettes got a chess tournament going on, and theres the bazaar, Lyonettes activitiesbut theres always time for a phone, right?
Phones. Phones were something, you had to admit. Even if you came from a world where you were used to them, the modern phone even of Erins 2016 was so advanced it could do things that would astound any Human who had come in centuries before.
And that was back then. Inkars upgraded phone was so powerful that, if it had internet, it would have been able to perform an endless number of functions with ease. Without?
It wasless useful. However, consider the uses.
It could perform any number of advanced mathematical calculations in the blink of an eye, take perfect recordings of sound and image, play music and even entertainment. Depending on the apps, it could translate words, play games, and all it took was a [Repair] spell to keep it going forever.
For someone who didnt know what a phone wasit was addictive. So real that when the first enemy came screaming at Redscar, he nearly broke Kevins laptop with a punch.
Soimagine how addictive this technology was if you had context, even if you were an Earther. Now, imagine if you were a Goblin who got to play with one.
Then, imagine if you were a Drake with onyx black scales, who had found a phone, managed to unlock it, and had the most wondrous, mysterious device, all available at the tap of a claw.
Lady Salkis Blackwing was from one of Pallass largest noble families. The Wall Lord and Lady tradition was weak in the Walled City of Inventions, but she was still related to the late Thrissiam Blackwing and General Edellein.
Her own father, Lord Werdin, and her stepmother, the Garuda, Melika, were high nobility in Pallass. For context, Sir Relz, the monocled Drake now the beloved star of Pallass, had been a brownnoser compared to the cream of society that Salkis was in.
It didnt stop her from being practically confined to the Blackwing family estate, though. Salkis was in huge trouble. She had been ever since she had returned from the Meeting of Tribes.
Not that her father had seen her fighting, thankfully. Salkis had actually found herself in the mass battles, but there was so much confusion that unless you knew she was there, she could claim she had been on an adventure with the Titan of Baleros. Shed run away like the innocent Drake she was and fallen in with terrible adventurers!
She thought at least her father had bought it. He really couldnt believe she had gone off to fight deliberately, and his wrath had abated over this month mostly because Salkis hadnt gone out and caused trouble.
And that was because
Salkis rolled over in her bed, clutching at the phone. If anyone knocked, shed hide it under her covers, but right now, she was listening to a very, very quiet song.
Music! While she tapped happily and a fat bird ruined a few structures with its face. Salkis hadnt even listened to every songthere were hundreds! But ever since the helpful [Lockpicker] had opened it
Oh, she was so glad Ryoka Griffin hadnt died. Because this phone was amazing. Salkis opened up the photos and stared at images of Ryokas most personal lifestyle. She paged through street graffiti that Ryoka had found interesting, an attempted selfie, her posing under a streetlamp
The amount of blackmail she had was amazing. Not least the fact that this was an old phone that Ryoka had had for years. It hadpersonal voice recordings. Videos. And a lot of songs and music that Ryoka liked.
But the main thing in Salkis heart right now was a burning curiosity to know what the hell this was. She knew it was an iPhone, and she had deciphered some information from the product details, but none of it made sense.
Even if this were top-secret, Salkis heard Edellein talking with her father. She would have known if an artifact this powerful were in the possession of a Walled City or in the world. Since they hadnt discussed it, she had to assume it was even more top-secret still, and why would Ryoka have it then?
OrSalkis was wrestling with another idea. She was coming to the same conclusion as a certain Sinew Magus, but unlike Grimalkin, Salkis could well believe that there was some secret she didnt know about.
After all. She was a Bloodfeast Raider.
Mind you, Salkis hadnt done any raiding since shed left with the Fellowship of the Inn. It had been a whim, the hunch that the Goblin, Numbtongue, could lead her to a great and bloody adventure.
Well, shed gotten that, but not in the way she expected. Now she was in trouble, but Salkis didnt care.
She was famous. Her father still let her go out once a week, and he was easing up; the moment Salkis had found some of her real friends, they had been all over her. They knew that shed been in the Meeting of Tribes, and they told her that the others were furious.
The Raiders had a hierarchy, and Salkis wouldnt have denied that made her nervous, but even the others in the city who shared her tastes looked at her like someone whod gotten to rub shoulders with legends. The Titan? Fighting in a war?
She basked in their approbations. For a few hours. Then she went back, played on her phone, and claimed, accurately, that her father had kept her from going out.
But she was sure that she could have begged Werdin to let her visit her friends estates. He thought they painted each others nails or gossiped.
In reality, the truth was more complex. Salkis didnt go out on the town or visit the raiders, and not just because the phone fascinated her. That was one thing. The other was
Ancestors, my friends are so boring.
The Drake did not say that out loud. She just thought it and wondered why she suddenly found them boring. They were dangerous, able to kill, wild and crazy
And she just thought it sounded weird. They had asked if she wanted to join another raid soon, and she had goneeh, inside. Because what was the point?
Fighting, killing. That wasnt a war. That wasnt marching across half a continent with Goblins and Antinium, sneaking past armies, literally running with them! Salkis feared the Titan had given her too much of an adrenaline rush.
Orthe Drake tapped disconsolately at the iPhone, and Ryokas voice echoed out.
Diary, um, number fourteen. Fuck, I forget. I dont know. Im justam I really going to go to college? Or am I
There was something Salkis was missing, much like Ryokas chronicling of her own personal torment. And that something was
Oh, maybe marching through the tall grass, picking ticks off your scales and pointing them out and watching the Antinium eat them. Or sitting around as the Fellowship talked with a Goblin playing guitar and teasing Gna.
For some reason, Salkis missed that. She missed that, and it irked her. Much like Ryokas recordings.
its what my dad wants. Which makes me tempted to burn down the college. Just burn down his companyand wouldnt that be a great change for the world if I got him and all his friends in the same building? Theyre not all evil, but theyre all rich millionaires or, hell, billionaires. Anyone in political office is. Can you burn down all of Wall Street? Im probably on a watch list already, but I just want to take it all out rather than waste my life.
You and me both, Ryoka. You and me both.
Salkis rolled over a third time and fell out of bed. Instantly, she rolled upright.
She was bored. She wanted out, but notnot the raiders. If she missed one group, one person, it was
Well, probably Numbtongue. The Drake thought about the [Bard] and smiled as she checked the news. If there was anything my father would forbid me from doing, its going right back there again.
Which made her really want to do it. So she thought about what excuse would get her out of the house that morning as she tucked the iPhone away. And if she found an answer to the phone while she was at it? Numbtongue did know Ryoka Griffin.
Plus, when you got down to it, the Goblin was hot.
He couldnt keep getting away with it. That [Bard].
How dare he? Troy watched with dark scowls for the Goblin. How dare he charm and philander his way with so many? Nevermind that he was open about it. First Octavia, then Garia? Thendid he have no shame?
Troy scowled along with Menolit, Relc, Ksmvrwho had no idea why everyone was glaring but wanted to be part of thingsYlawes for the improprietyand Mrsha as Lyonette demoed her new activities for the day in the inn.
Garia, Octaviahow did he do it? Then he got Visma, and Mrshas scowl became a glare of rage. Just because he was probably good looking, played a guitar, was good in a fight, generally nice, and he gave gemstones to people? Was that the basis for liking someone?
Visma gasped as he gave her a bit of emerald glued to a stone. The Hobgoblin grinned and gave her a thumbs-up. Then he went over to watch the group activity as a bunch of children sat at one of the tables.
Only Mrsha glared at him, and Octavia leaned over to whisper.
Whats with Mrsha?
Dunno. Maybe I erased her save data?
Weird. Thanks for bringing me breakfast. I got you this.
Octavia shyly handed him something, and Numbtongue peered at the vial marked bubble bath. He grinned and put it in a pocket.
Redscar whispered, and Numbtongue whirled to punch him, but the other Goblin blocked the fist. They all watched as Lyonettes plan for the day took shape.
Design your own Antinium?
Erin hadnt heard of yesterdays exhaustive planning until today, and she looked slightly askance as the children drew on a front and back image of an Antinium Worker or Soldier. More guests had come with the children, and Jerom was sitting against the bar as Fierre yawned and scribbled on a piece of parchment in one part of the inn. Himilt had come to admire Erins [Garden of Sanctuary], and Lyonette was distractedly talking.
Yes, a chess game. Can you attend? The prize is modesteighty gold pieces, but we will have excellent players from around the world! It will be broadcast via Wistram News Network if there is time
She was having trouble. But she hadnt asked for helpyet. Erin watched Visma dab glittery paint all over her Antinium.
Is this in bad taste?
She whispered to Bird and Ksmvr, and both Antinium looked at her.
I do not know. I am Bird.
I am not part of the Free Hive either.
Erin turned to Klbkch, but the Prognugator just shrugged when she sidled over.
Children are performing an activity with Antinium. This is a positive for the Antinium as I see it.
Yeah, but its painting. Thats sort of a personal thing for the Painted Antinium, you know?
Klbkch stared blankly at Erin and sighed audibly.
Is this another emotional element for them? I would not know, Erin. I do not paint my shell.
Erin gave up. Clearly a representative for the Painted Antinium was not here, and the children seemed to be havingmild fun.
Miss Lyonette, Miss Lyonette, Im done! Can I fly it now?
The first child to be done was Ekirra, who ran over so Ushar could help him attach it to a bit of string. Then the paper could soar in a brisk breeze.
Anyone gone to the bazaar yet? Im going to.
Its pretty exciting, Erin. Theres a lot on sale.
Selys smiled as Erin casually opened a roll of parchment and winced at what she saw. The [Innkeeper] looked up with a laugh.
Then Ill definitely go! I want to see what Ysara and Qwera sell.
Ohcan you wait, Erin? Im trying to find a bunch of activities, but I still dont have quite enough to fill all of today!
Lyonette was fretting, and Erin sighed, but agreed to hold on. She sat there as Mrsha industriously slapped her Antinium sketch with black pawprintsthen stared at the Antinium and drooped as she remembered.
Today, the only big thing Erin knew she was part of was the chess tournament, and she actually thought her day might be restful. However, Rags had reminded her that it was one thing to talk or be friends and another to know someone.
So, thoughtfully, she gazed down at the [Message] scroll as she idled at the bar and began to write. Once more, The Wandering Inn began to fill with guests. Lyonette was hopefully organizing the chess tournament. She had a bracket system and everything for people to win upwards and challenge Erin.
International guests would start higher than a general tourney locally, which would produce around sixty of the top players. Then they would repeatedly clash on their way up.
Shed promised Erin that the [Innkeeper] wouldnt be forced to play more players as she would be seeded very high. Which just went to show that she really didnt understand Erins passions at all.
Naturally, Drassi was there, because the tournament with a cash prize was news. Howeverone look at the inn setting up board games on a lot of the tables and Drassi saw a problem.
like heck this is going to be fun to watch
Erin glanced up as the Drake edged past her to have a conference with Lyonette. The [Innkeeper] smiled. She glanced down, and a line of text appeared.
Is he checking this every five minutes? That wasnt even twenty seconds!
Grumbling, she went back to writing, butshe got it. Multiple things. For instance, she really got the fact that watching chess nonstop on Wistram News Network Channel 2 would probably crash Drassis viewership rating.
That was probably why the Drake kept glancing at her. After all, Drassi had to be thinking the same thing Erin was fearing.
It might be time for an interview.
Erin Solstice had been interviewed before, but as [Innkeeper] of that inn that just suffered a monster attack. Never before as Erin Solstice.
Today, though? Erin saw Drassi arguing with a nervous Lyonette, and Erin felt like the [Princess] should have asked for more help. If not from Erin alone, perhaps from others? After all, Erin never did anything by herself. Lyonette had the basis. But problems were encroaching from multiple angles.
Pawn was marching through the door with Yellow Splatters, Purple Smile, and some of the Painted Antinium with a look that said he wanted to talk to the [Princess], and this time, no Thronebearers were going to get in his way. Also, Liscors entertainment director, poor Teliv, the [Negotiator], was fretting about more activities. One could not hand-paint their way out of all the children and guests here.
Well, Erin would handle some of that burden. Juuuust as soon as she finished here.
For she was writing, and the conversation, if you were a certain little lamb innocently reading upside-down while an [Innkeeper] gave you the stink-eye, looked something like this.
Niers: Nice hat.
Erin: Yo, yo. Whats up? Hows it going?
Niers: Yo indeed?
Niers: I apologize, I forgot you were entirely on a vacation.
Erin: Its cool. :)
Niers: Aha. Anazu-speak.
Erin: ?
Niers: Thats what some [Mages] call the little symbols.
Erin: Emotes. Emojis. Umsmiley faces. Youre going to be seeing a lot of em, I bet.
Niers: Wonderful.
Erin: u mad? (_)?
Niers: No, I just hate having to learn new languages. Better to be fluent now. _
Erin: Youre no fun.
Niers: Im studious. Do you want to talk over a game of chess? I can squeeze one in for the morning if we make it fast. 10 seconds per move?
Erin: Eh. Im sort of busy.
Niers: Ah, understood. Its been difficult for us to play.
Erin: Since I was dead. We played a game or two when you sent me that chessboard.
Niers: No need to thank me. Its a collectible.
Erin: Got it.
Silence for a second. Nerry the Lamb gave Erin a long look, and the [Innkeeper] actually stopped trying to poke her with the quill enough to sigh.
What, you too?
The lamb made a gagging sound as the conversation continued. She trotted off, and Erin rolled her eyes.
Niers: Im not hurt, just disappointed weve been chatting less and less. I hope Bird hasnt been spreading lies about me.
Erin: Bird lies about everything, including birds. Its just sorta odd, yknow? Like chatting up Altestiel. We played then too.
Niers: True. Im just kicking myself for not being there. Listen, if Im bothering you, do tell me. I know youre in a busy situation right now, and Im always checking my artifacts. It comes from having a spy network and a company to run.
Erin: See, youre doing it again. This. This.
Niers: What?
Foliana: Hes doing it again.
Erin: Hey, Foliana! Are you feeling better?
Foliana: Is thumbs up.
Erin: Thats not quite how emojis work, but thats great! Hey, how are you on this? Is Niers sharing the chatscroll or something?
Foliana: I stole it from him.
Erin: Youre cool. Can I speak to Niers?
Foliana: Mm. Be nice.
Niers: Foliana is a pest with no uses aside from eating moldy cupcakes off the ground. I apologize for that.
Erin: Shes sort of fun. But I was going to say that Im pretty sure shes not watching me via scrying spell right now.
The [Innkeeper] stopped and looked around meaningfully. An undead rat ducked behind a windowsill, and the Titan of Baleros winced from across the world.
Niers: Im sorry about that. Its a force of habit. My students are there, and I realize that might also look bad.
Niers: Ive had enough of being blindsided, and getting ambushed just outside the inn counts. Its not intrusive beyond what someone would reasonably see in the inn. The [Spies], which Im sure you know you have, would be doing the same thing.
Erin: Yeah, but this is the thing. Youre someone who needs spies and runs the 4th Greatest Company of Baleros.
Niers: One of the Four Great Companies. I wouldnt call us 4th, even with setbacks.
Niers: That was meant to test my ego, wasnt it?
Erin: Nah, Im just being mean there.
Erin: Niers, I dont even know you. Youre a continent away. I like playing chess, but its difficult to share a lotta stuff.
Niers: I understand that, and I do enjoy the chess games. :)
Erin: Well, if Im not playing, its because theres more to life than chess. I know, shocking.
Niers: Unbelievable. Well, I take your point and apologize.
Erin: Accepted. So, hows fighting the green going? Are you making sure that icky stuff doesnt get on your soldiers when it splashes?
And then the silence between the replies grew longer.
Erin: How fast did The Dyed Lands expand, anyways? Pisces told me youre nearly a hundred miles out and still fighting them in some places.
Erin: Niers? You there?
Niers: Are you watching my campaign?
Erin: Dont you get mad. Its on the scrying orbs if you go to the Baleros networks. I thought you were watching my inn.
And then, if you turned to one of the scrying orbs that showed the television for The Wandering Inn, you would see that instead of an image of, well, themselves, the breakfasters were watching a quiet broadcast of the fighting in Baleros.
Erin: Thats the thing. Are you fighting a war and chatting?
Niers: Its not an active battlefield, just skirmishes. Put your troops in the right spot and sometimes the enemy doesnt even reach the front.
Erin: Yeah. But thats not me.
Niers: So you claim.
Erin: Im just saying, where you are, your kind of thing is different than mine, Niers. Its not that I dislike you or think youre a bad guy necessarily. Its just that youre the Titan of Baleros.
Niers: I understand. And I do have to go. Battle.
Erin: Luck.
She rolled up the scroll and exhaled. Erin only jumped when Ulvama tapped her on the shoulder.
You going for a record for killing people this week?
Erin gave her an unhappy look, and the [Shaman] bared her teeth. Erin shook her head.
No. Im just being honest. Sometimes you gotta.
She turned and watched as Lyonette left the main common room with Pawn. Her Thronebearers protested and were told to stand there and help the painting. Visma beamed as she ran over to Ser Dalimont to make her kite.
She tripped, and Erin sighed as Vismas colorful paper fluttered up and flew, flewstraight into the fireplace. Visma stared in horror as her piece of paper lit up.
Sometimes, things just sucked.
When they finally had a moment to talk together, Pawn was happy.
Happy in the oddest of ways. Because he had marched right up to Lyonette and told her he wanted to speak, and she had looked at him and hesitated until she agreed.
Those Thronebearers. They had truly ruined what should have been a happy reunion. Because of them, Pawn and Lyonette couldnt do what they had done in secret and private.
Sit and read stories together, talk, cuddle, other stuff, and Pawn missed that. He had missed Lyonette greatly.
He just felt like she had been avoiding him because this was one of their first long talks together. So he was happy.
Happyin the way he imagined an Eater Goat might be, skipping along under a boulder teetering over a cliff high, high above.
Now, why did he think that? Lyonette flashed him a smile.
Well have to make this quick, Pawn. The children are doing their Antinium painting, and its going wellI think well set up a booth after all today and tomorrow.
She hesitated as Vismas wail came from below.
Oh dear. That was Visma. Maybe there are complications.
We have not had much time, Lyonette. I know you are very busy putting on this partybut I have missed you.
He took her hands, or tried to. Lyonette was busying herself at the mirror, walking around her room, checking her hair.
I have too, Pawn. Im very sorry Lormel and the others are getting in the way. You didnt have to curse him, you know.
I wanted to talk to you. I was angry. I lost my temper.
Pawn felt vaguely bad about it, but that sense in the air was growing worse. He smiled, or tried tothen felt something else tug at his mind.
I wish I could have helped with your party planning. I think your painting of the Antinium shells is a good idea. On paper, with children and adults.
Thank you, Pawn! Yes, I wish you could have been there too.
She flashed him a distracted smile, and Pawn went on carefully as Lyonette fiddled with some earrings.
I think it is good because people will see how the Antinium are unique and how being Painted Antinium matters.
And I believe the Free Antinium support this idea as did I.
Thats wonderful.
Which is why I know you would have asked a Painted Antinium or me for our feedback, but you were so busy you were unable to.
This time, the [Princess] stopped with a tiny opal earring in one hand and turned. Pawn stared at her and then looked out the window, following her gaze. He looked back at her and saw how her gaze slid past him. It lingered for a moment on his face, and then she was staring at an autograph of all the Players of Celum on her wall. As if she couldnt quite look at him.
Thathurt, and he didnt know what was wrong with her eyes. Or him? Was something on him?
II just wanted to put on something entertaining, Pawn.
I know. That is why I was not angry. But Krshia Silverfang did not want her Gnolls to be a game. I am more fine than she was.
Im not trying to take anything from anyone! It can be positive for everyone!
Yes. That is my point. Do not be defensive, Lyonette. I am agreeing.
The [Princess] hesitated and reddened. She tossed her head and then spoke more quietly.
And how are the Antinium doing, Pawn? Now that the Crusade isa separate Hive? Has it changed things?
Pawn nodded. He opened his hands, clenched them, and rubbed at his eyes gently, folding two arms and sighing. As he did so often these days.
So many. Now it seems like there are Free Antinium, Painted Antinium, and [Crusaders]. That is better than it was before, but morecomplex. Does that make sense? We are all Antinium, but they are so different from even me. ZimrahI do not know her. I grieve for her, but she wants to be what she is.
Lyonette came over and rested a hand on his shoulder.
Oh, Pawn. Responsibility is painful like that. Do youare you trying to take command of the [Crusaders]? Shape their opinions? Yellow Splatters is a [Sergeant]no, a [Captain] now, isnt he? Perhaps he could be a liaison?
The [Priest] looked at the [Princess], confused.
Why would I want to tell them what to do? They are their own people.
Lyonette turned to face him, bit her lip, and modulated what she was about to say. She stepped left, trying to guide him into a seat, but he refused. So she faced him, her face tightening with a hint of exasperation.
They might need help. Andbe nudged to make the right moves now and then. Pawn, you are possibly the most influential Antinium in the Hives leadership behind the Free Queen and Klbkch himself. You shouldnt let it go to waste.
He stood there, not knowing what to say, and Lyonette walked over to her dresser again, restless. She was pinning up her hair in a complex bun, and Pawn helped her. He knew how to place the hairpins, but he hesitated as he replied. She seemed so impatient, and he felt awkward and kept missing the spots until she took the pins and did it herself.
I do not wish to do that, Lyonette. That is like when I was ordered to fight with Belgrade and Anand. I am not that kind of leader.
She turned to face him. And he saw a look that showed him she didnt understand. But that was fine. He didnt understand all of what she was. It was supposed to be fine.
So why did it feel like there was a wall like his [Holy Barrier] between them? He reached out to take her hands, and then his lowered. Lyonette took a deep breath, then set her face. She straightened her back like he knew she did when she was about to do something unpleasant.
Pawn. I have to ask you something serious. Have youdo you feel like something has gone off between us? Like theres some separation? I fear thats my fault, in part. Quite a lot, actually.
Pawn nodded slowly. He looked at Lyonette.
I do. What happened, Lyonette? You were gone for only a few months
She laughed. Bitterly, almost hystericallyand covered her face with her hands. She pulled her eyelids down a second, staring up at the ceiling in a kind of horror.
A few months! Pawn, it felt like years. Didnt it? I was at Oteslia, and Erin was dead, and wePawn, I have a confession to make.
Uh oh. The [Priest] wanted to run, and he refused to. But he slowly sat on the bed as Lyonette spoke to him.
In Oteslia, I was desperate to find a way to help Erin and save Mrsha. Remember, I only knew she was kidnapped and I had no idea where she was? There was this youngDrake named Cirediel. And I was trying to do everything in my power to help. SoI was considering entering an affair with Cire to manipulate him. Or whomever else.
She waited for Pawn to react. He did not, so she went on.
A sexual affair, Pawn.
I understood that. Alright. That is fine. I forgive you if you needed forgiveness.
Lyonette blinked. She looked at his face, looked down, and he didnt know why she gnawed on her lip like that. Where was his smile?
Just like that?
Pawn got up. He stretched, not because he was stiff, but because he felt awkward in his very shell. He turned back to Lyonette.
Mrsha is your daughter. You would do anything for her, and I understand that. I fought Belavierr for her. It is fine, Lyonette. You did not, after all.
She looked wretched and upset, perhaps that he wasnt angrier.
No, but I thought about it, Pawn. Pawn. You can be angry. I was thinking of being unfaithful. Intimately. That means
I know what it means.
The [Priest] felt his first flicker of actual anger so far. Lyonette bit her lip, and he wanted to pat her on the head. He sat down and stared at her.
She hadnt grown that much older. But somehow, she looked different.
What happened, Lyonette? There has to have been something more. Why does this feel odd?
Lyonette laughed sadly.
Oh, Pawn. I think we changed. Its happened to me before. I was a young girl who liked to run around Calanfer. I had crushesthen I became a teenager. My sisters. You know them.
By name and personality. Unpleasant, mostly.
The 6th [Princess] of Calanfer stared at a vision of something else.
They werent always. I remember, vaguely, Seraphel being so nice before she got married. Aielef used to be this wild painter who drew on the walls of Calanfer, and I loved it even though she got in trouble. Vernoue was as shy as a mousenow shes just a mage. I think, sometimes, its not always bad. Dalimont told me about Seraphel, and it sounded like she changed again. Into something far better. NoI saw it. People change. Im just afraid we did.
Then we should find out how the other has changed. Not hide from each other, Lyonette.
He reached out to take her hands. The [Princess] looked at him unhappily.
I think thats true, Pawn. But maybe we should start all the way from the beginning.
Ah. It was so quiet, he didnt realize the boulder had hit him. The Eater Goat Antinium in his metaphor stared at half his spine before he realized that he was crushed. Pawn held so very stillhis antennae twitched and moved faintly, as if in a breeze. Lyonette was squeezing her hands together until her fingers were white. Pawn looked at them.
Why? Why do that, Lyonette?
He took her hands with two of his own to make her stop, and the [Princess] avoided his gaze. She gently freed her hands, put them beside her. Then she came out with it at last.
Your [Crusaders] scare me, Pawn. While I was gone, you took on the Stitch Witch of legends. The Spider of Terandria, who has led the Hundred Families of Terandria on a wild chase and dance ever since they were founded. You hurt her, Pawn. With a club, Mrsha said. And you formed the Crusade against Hectval.
I did not march with them. We were too weak, Lyonette.
She nodded. And met his eyes with her earnest blue ones.
But Pawn. You and I have different visions. When I was in Oteslia
Ive already said I understand.
Well, not about this!
She whirled, and her red hair flashed along with her eyes. She splayed a hand across her chest, as if suddenly impassioned. Not the nervous girl he had once met. Or maybe the same? Prideful. But this Lyonette was also simply confident as well. And terribly sad.
I was happy, Pawn! Happy, when I danced with Ilvriss! When I was strugglingbut finding ways to move the City of Growth. When I had two of the Gentlemen Callers, Ratici and Wilovan, under my command? Thats why I didnt push away the Thronebearers when it was all over. Because I wanted them. I wanted to explore, to push at my parents. And you
She looked at him, and he stared at her. She was the first person hed been in a relationship with. Not the first person hed loved. But the sky was just the sky, after all.
Are you ending our relationship? Just like that? Do I get no say?
PawnI have to go downstairs. Can we talk about this later?
He stood up from the bed. Then he lay down on his back shell.
No. This is unfair. I am going to cry. Waah. Waaah.
He tried to do a Bird and flailed his arms like hed seen Mrsha do when she was throwing a tantrum. Lyonette stared down at him in horror and backed away. Pawn began to raise his voicethen he stopped.
Because he felt like an idiot. Slowly, he got up and felt at himself.
What was wrong with him? He recalled, very vividly, hiding in the Free Antiniums Hive and refusing to eat or move because he was so sad that Lyonette didnt like him.
Reach for that, you fool! Where was the Antinium who would have probably leapt out the window in despair? He didnt feel it. He was upset, angry, and sad
But something was missing. He looked at Lyonette, and he was angry at her. Angry because she wasnt the person he remembered.
Then he realized Lyonette was right. And that hurt worst of all. Lyonettes eyes began misting up as Pawn sat there.
Lyonette. You have the power to do what you wish. You may be right. But can I ask you for one last thing?
What is it, Pawn?
Can I hug you like this?
He spread his arms, and she stepped forwards. She didnt hesitate, but walked forwards gently and raised her hands as if to cup his head. Then she lowered them and reached out as if they were dancing, but her grip tightened and she gazed up wordlessly. Elegant and wretched.
The [Priest] had so little of that in him. So with all four arms, he gently hugged her, as if he were embracing Heaven. But he could touch her. But he felt no certainty or faith, just a painful, comforting warmth. No ray of light from the sky. Even so, for a moment, it felt like nothing had changed until he let go. And he tried not to. Another Worker would never have, but Pawn?
He had his people to go to.
She wept. She wept, as if spilling all the tears out for all the broken hearts and changing of ways. Visma howled and sobbed in front of the fireplace as Pawn and Lyonette came back.
Unconsolable. She didnt want another piece of paper.
My ppmy! Its burned up! Its gone!
She was wailing as Ekirra ran back in. The panting Gnoll stopped as Visma cried, and Mrsha tried to give her her drawing.
Now, now, Visma. We can do another! Oh dear, maybe youve had enough. At least the others can have fun?
The children looked at the screaming Visma, and their enthusiasm waned. Ekirra himself looked at Lyonette as she fixed her eyes on him.
Ekirra, wheres your kite?
He should be flying the piece of paper on a string. The Gnoll scratched at his head.
It ripped up, Miss Lyonette.
The [Princess] face fell. She hurried outside and saw a piece of papercheap paperwas torn in half by the brisk wind. Ekirra went to pat Visma on the head.
Can we go eat now?
The activity was in jeopardy. Lyonette looked around as Pawn stared at the ground. At least some people knew what had happened, and Numbtongue went to solemnly pat him on the shoulder.
III think we need to reconsider. Um. Does anyone have?
Lyonette looked around, an expression of concealed panic on her face. And then, she spoke.
Does anyone have a way to rectify this situation? Please?
She gazed around, and Pawn looked up. He met her gaze as the inns guests turned, and Erin smiled. The [Innkeeper] put down her quill and stretched.
Pawn? He shook Numbtongues hand and walked out of the inn. Lyonette turned her head to follow him, but her feet stayed where they were. And then
Jerom spoke up.
Here now, little Miss Drake. Dont cry. What a terrible thing happened to you, didnt it?
He stifled a cough as he came over and crouched. Visma was holding the bit of emerald that Numbtongue had given to her.
My Antiniums gone! He was going to be named Super Star! I liked him!
She wept, and the Antinium staff in the inn glanced at Visma once, then at the fireplace. Jerom bent down as he fumbled with something hed been working on at the bar.
Thats terrible. Super Star deserved better than that. Ill tell you whatwhy dont you take this andbring him back? Its not a piece of paper, but maybe itll last longer.
He put something in Vismas claw, and she looked down and gasped. Lyonette blinkedand covered her mouth in surprise, for there was a tiny little Worker.
Whoa! Thats amazing!
Troydel blinked at the piece of wood. It was a faster piece than Mrshas, but Jerom had carved it into a Worker so well that he had even done tiny antennae.
Naturally, the piece of wood was just plain wood with a few whorls of the tree giving it a slightly uneven texture. But Visma understood what Jerom meant.
You mean paint this?
You could place it on your dresser.
Or make it one of your dolls, Visma!Its so good! I want one for White Paw!
Mrsha held up a notecard. She looked enviously at Visma as the other children crowded around.
Thats so much better than stupid paper. Let me have it, Visma. Im gonna make Soccer Man again!
Ekirra reached for it, and Visma punched his arm.
No! Super Star! Mrsha, come help me! Im going to paint him all over!
Be careful not to mix the paints up. You have to do it very carefully.
Someone interrupted Visma before she could dunk the piece of wood in a pot of black paint. And that was someone who knew that painting wood or metal was a delicate process that required drying, special brushes
Troydel eyed Jerom as the innkeeper glanced up. He advised Visma to paint on her design then carefully fill in the other parts with the dark paintso if she messed the design up, she could cover it with the shell.
Jerom, thats so thoughtful of you! Although, now all the other children want a permanent figurine.
Lyonette exhaled, and Jerom looked at the children. His eyes twinkled.
I dont think I can work that fast, Lyonette, but it might be something, to have little figures rather than a piece of paper, wouldnt it? I could do six more for a few of the children.
Unfortunately, they all wanted one. Lyonette didnt think overworking Jerom was a workable idea, but Troydel was all for it.
You should look into that, Lyonette. Figurines are huge money.
That caught her ear. Lyonette turned.
You think so, Troy?
Everyone loves them. Cant you hire a bunch of [Carvers]? Or if you had resin, metal, or even clay, I guess, you could cast a lot of them. Like Pallass forges. Ive seen the smiths do lots of parts all at once. Although Pelt spits on them for not doing it by hand.
Troydel was a bit of an expert. He had a collection of one of the worlds most famously expensive tabletop games. He glanced up, and Lyonette felt a familiar prickle on the skin. Jeroms own ears perked up, and Lyonette began to make rapid calculations.
Wed need a mold
Theres Skills for that. But what if you had a hundred of these figurines yay tall, and you let people paint themand buy them for a small profit? I could try to arrange that. I know some good people with metalwork, and Pallass is a second away, isnt it?
Its definitely profitable. Hey, can I get in on this? Copyright? Trademark?
Troy got up excitedly, but the [Princess] and [Innkeeper] ignored him. They were getting excited, and someone whispered across the inn.
Nerd. Neeeeerd.
Joseph called to Troy. Redscar high-fived him as Troy glared back. Lyonette was all set when she realized Pawn was gone. Andshe hesitated, looking at the little figure of the Workers.
But it was already being fought over by the children begging for one of their own or trying to carve a table leg into one. So she nodded to Jerom.
We still need more activities. AnyoneI am so sorry, but if you have any activities that match the AntiniumSilveran? Oror Chieftain Rags! Are there things we could do that celebrate Goblins?
She looked around, and the two representatives of each species looked at her. Silveran adjusted his mustache from behind the bar uncertainly, and Rags stirred.
They looked at each other and then realized something odd.
The Antinium and Goblins didnthave many activities. Rags looked at Redscar, and he mimed combing Carn Wolves or punching each other for morning training. The Mountain City Goblins under Poisonbite knew feasting and their own contests, like throwing knives, but these were things modeled after Human cities, which they had stolen everything from.
Even culture. For some reasonthe lack of something to define them hurt the Antinium and Goblins present more than most. Every species had something unique about them that made them good.
Even Drakes. Lyonette spared them the embarrassment as she turned.
Well, lets keep brainstorming. Drassi! Drassiwhere are you going?
Sorry, Lyonette, but this is, umnot entertaining. When the Crusade rolls in or something happensyou know how to contact me.
The Drake was making a beeline back to her studio in Pallass. Rags was signaling one of her Goblins to find a member of her posse still asleep, and Silveran was wondering if a seminar on cleaning counted.
Something was coming. But Drassi knew that she could come back and find it, and her audience was getting bored; she had a staff member, a Gnoll, covering a story while she got back.
She was halfway towards the door as Lyonette sighed when someone blocked her way. Erin Solstice was scribbling on a piece of paper, but she held a hand out as Drassi slowed. The [Reporter]s eyes widenedand Erin Solstice looked up.
What about my interview, Drassi? Lets do a quick oneand youll have your story.
She winked at Lyonette, and Drassi inhaled sharply. The [Reporter] looked around for a place to sit with Erin, and the [Innkeeper]s heart began to pound. But this time she was ready.
And the [Witch], the [Innkeeper], nodded at Lyonette. This was the [Princess] party. But sometimes, you needed a hand. As for Erinher eyes twinkled.
Are you sure, Erin? And do you think itll be entertaining? Because some of the [Messages] people get when they look back on the scrying orbs are ruthless.
Erin shrugged.
Let them come. As for entertaining
She showed Drassi the first line of the piece of paper she was writing, and the Drake sat down. She turned on her camera, handed it to the Drake [Cameraman], and they began.
Niers Astoragon glumly watched as Drassi interviewed Erin. It looked like a fluff piecethe Drake was introducing The Wandering Inn and giving the interesting notesmonster attacks, a Human outside of Liscor, Antinium and Goblins welcome.
It was already, of course, fascinating enough to attract most of her regular viewers attention, but Niers was, uhnot invested.
Somewhere, Altestiel was probably laughing at him. Niers wondered how much you had to pay an [Assassin] to poison an [Earl]s lunch. He thought hed suffered once? Niers would procure laxatives made by Foliana herself!
Wars not over. Rally, regroup, and get back in it.
He worried for Erin, because as she had just saidthis was not her forte, and if she thought Drassi was going to play nice the entire timeshe hadnt seen Drassis interviews.
The [Honest Reporter] had kept up her habit of pressing her interviewees, and the Queen of Nerrhavias Fallen had been only the first victim. So Drassi leaned over the table as the camera caught both of themMrsha was trying to pose in the background until the other children shoved into the camera, and they were all herded off by a member of Drassis crew.
So, Erin. Weve been friends and for our viewers, I have to tell you I was a [Barmaid] and then a [Bartender] at The Wandering Inn before I found my current job. Theres a bit of bias here, but I want to be impartial. Youre an [Innkeeper]. Dare I say the best in Liscor?
HmI dunno about that, Drassi. How do you rank best inns and stuff? People complain about mine all the time.
Level? What level are you, Erin? Over Level 40? Over Level 30, definitely.
Erin hesitated.
Thats private. Sorry.
No problem. But your inn is rather fantastic, dont you agree? Ive been to Liscors top inn within the city, The Tailless Thief, and while its ahead on staff, service, consistencyyour inn has been at the center of any number of huge events. Youve survived Creler attacks, the inns been destroyed how many times?
Twthree? Ive lost count.
It was definitely a funny interview. The [Innkeeper] was nervous, but she had a bit of composure a lot of guests lacked. As if she knew how to do this. Drassi laughed.
And you make magical food! Can we get an example, maybe of your mana candies? So you have magical food, Antinium on staff, and your inn has a sign that says No Killing Goblins. Can you tell us why?
Umbecause I dont want people to kill Goblins? They saved my life once.
Drassi nodded reasonably.
But Goblins are monsters to the rest of the world. Now, one group did just bail out a bunch of Humans and the Antinium Crusade in the north, and we have a precedent with Velan the Kindbut that cuts both ways. How would you discuss the issue of the Goblin King with Izrilians or other people who remember him within this generation?
Erin hesitated.
There are dangerous Goblins, just like there are criminals and [Warlords] in every species. Im just sayingnot every Goblin is trying to kill you. Likelike her. See? Theres a Goblin. Hi, Gothica.
She smiled as a Goblin wearing all black, including lipstick and makeup, passed by. Niers winced because he knew this was not the example Erin needed.
Somewhere across the world, on Rhir, a passing Earther grabbed a scrying orb.
No fucking way. Hey! Tell Bclaire I found her other [Goth]! Shes not going to believe this!
The orb caught Gothica as she froze, then deliberately turned to Erin and flipped her off. And in doing so, she flipped off the entire world.
She leveled.
Drassi covered a smile as Erin waved a fist at Gothica. She went on with a chuckle in her voice.
Alright, we can dig into the Goblins angle later, but lets just settle one thing so our viewers understandyoure hosting this celebration for the victory at Orefell. Including a chess tournament with a modest cash prize, which I believe we might cover highlights of. Youre a [Magical Innkeeper], and you can produce amazing foodbut can you tell the audience something that makes you special? Like how you posted the first <Quests>? Who is Erin Solstice in her own words?
And here it came. Niers bit his tongue because he knew how hed talk about himself, or Erinbut she was so classically humble and awkwardhe squeezed his eyes shut as Erin froze for a second. Then she replied.
Me? Imum. Well. This is embarrassing, but
She fiddled with her fingers, then looked up. And Niers missed the spark of mischief in her eyes. The twinkle that made her friends sit up in the bar and disarmed Drassi. Erin Solstice smiled and leaned back in her chair. If she had a baseball cap, she would have twisted it around. If she had a pair of sunglasses, she would have slowly lowered them onto her eyes.
Im the best chess player in the entire world. So yeah, Im backing the chess tournament today. If you think youre hot stuff, sign up. You can even play remotely.
Niers Astoragons eyes opened wide. Half the Fraerlings who were trying to ignore his small scrying orb turned. Drassi sat up and blinked.
Did I just hear you right, Erin? That is a bold claim.
The [Innkeeper] was shaking with nerves, but she made a peace sign. Then she began to play it up.
Thats right. Im the best. Dont believe me?
Thats, uha hard thing to quantify.
Someone was choking in the background. It turned out to be Pisces, who was dying on a piece of late egg for breakfast. Erin and Drassi watched as Yvlon raced over and slapped him on the back. Erin turned back to the camera.
Well, its true. Put me on a truth spell.
Delusion can pass a truth spell, Erin.
Drassi was trying to be tough, despite the smile edging its way across her face. Erin raised her brows.
Oh yeah?
Thats just a fact.
Oh yeah?
Erin leaned forwards, and Drassi leaned back a bit to avoid being headbutted.
Erin, Im going to need proof youre the best chess player. I imagine our viewers are already getting upset and calling in.
The [Innkeeper] turned to the camera and smiled.
You can prove it at the chess tournament. But if I need to prove anythingdo you know Chaldion of Pallass, Drassi? Have you seen me playing him regularly in this inn?
The [Honest Reporter] swallowed.
I haveseen that.
And youre so honest everyone knows you tell the truthhavent you seen Earl Altestiel playing me? Ive beaten Venazhey, Venaz.
She waved at a Minotaur, who jumped as he, Wil, and Merrik stood there. Merrik waved back. Niers watched, heart pounding with disbelief, as Erin turned.
Ive played more chess games than anyone else. Its not a brag. Its just how it is. Ive beaten Grand Magus Eldavin when he was at my inn. Ive defeated the Lord of the Dance remotely.
I think other players could say the same. The game isnt that old, Erin. In fact, what about the Titan of Baleros? The inventor and worlds best player if I had to guess?
Drassi was on the edge of her seat. Because she knew, before Erin turned, what the [Innkeeper] would say, and the [Reporter] just set her up for it. Erin Solstice looked right into the camera.
Niers? Hes my chess partner. I play him every week. I am the [Innkeeper] of Chess. Dont believe me? Get a chessboard and Ill play a game right now. Ask Niers if you dont believe me. Hey, Niers.
She waved. And the Fraerling saw the young woman wink at him.
Fancy a game?
The Titans mysterious chess partner had once been the talk of the worlds gossipat least in chess circles. In the way of all the new developments, it had become old news.
Right until the [Innkeeper], Erin Solstice, revealed the truth for the world to hear and reignited that old flame.
You might not believe it. You might scoff, and many would certainly take umbrage at her claims to be the worlds best.
Butthat claim bore more weight when you saw the splitscreen image of Niers Astoragon sitting with his legs crossed in front of a miniature chess board and Erin in her inn. Both were staring at a scrying orb and arranging the chess board.
Live. This was how the tourney would go, and the two competitors could even speak to each other. And when they did
It was the first time the two had really talked. It wasnt Niers giving Erin a speaking stone or a gift. It was him and her and an audience of the entire world.
You have me astounded, Erin. And here I thought you were too busy to play a game.
Erin glanced up from setting up her pieces. She met his gaze, and his eyes were shining with wild excitement. He was sotiny! A mug was providing her with a frame of reference, and it was as tall as he was.
Yet he was also the Titan of Baleros. Some Fraerlings were jockeying to be seen, much like Mrsha and Gothica and people on Erins side. She locked eyes with Niers.
I never said that. I just felt like you were fighting a war against Jungle Tails, the monsters from the Dyed Lands. Youre so famousthis is where you live. Isnt this where youre happiest?
To that, he had nothing to say. Because she was right. When he went to her inn, it was like a Fraerling in the night.
But she had come up onto his world stage and brought a chessboard. She took the black pieces, he took white, and they began to play.
That was enough. That was enough for him to call this a really wonderful day, but Erin Solstice wasnt done.
Im going to beat you, Niers. Sorry, but I have to use my full power.
She posed, two peace signs across her chest in what she might have thought was a cool pose. Niers just snorted despite himself.
Erin. I will back you being a statistically better player than I am, but you cant guarantee a victory.
Oh, that was true before I got shot with crossbows. But Ive been practicing. I know we played a game together, but right now?
Erin stretched.
Ive got a tournament to help run and participate in. So I am going to squish you. Wait, is that rude to say to a Fraerling?
Absolutely! I am such a fan, Miss. Take him out!
A Fraerling behind Niers shouted. It was safe to say almost every Fraerling settlement with access to scrying orbs was watching. And at least one city, Paeth on the Coast, was staring at
Erin Solstice. The Titan looked annoyed at Erins bravado. He moved a pawn forwards.
Pawn to E4oh, you can see it. Well, back up your words, Erin. No Skills, but I will be making you eat those words.
Just one second.
Erin was scribbling on something. She raised her head, and Niers felt a chill. As if hed walked into a trap. Hed thought the trap was invoking her true potential to the world. Or facing him across the chessboard and lending his name to this day.
But what if? His eyes slowly fixed on the piece of paper. Erin finished writing, then lifted it. She brought it down and slapped it on the table.
You might want to check the Adventurers Guild, guys. I just posted a <Quest>. Now
She cracked her neck, winced, and her eyes lit up.
Lets begin the demo match.
Then the news broadcast, already gaining momentum, truly began to pick up speed. The incredulous and outraged people went silent. Did you feel it now? Niers looked up, and the chessboard kept shaking. His eyes flickered uncertainlythen widened. Because even he found his heart beating painfully hard.
<Yearly Heroic Quest Face the Worlds Greatest Chess Player>
Limits: No cheating, no magical interference. No Skills to change the board. Everything else, including predictive Skills, is allowed.
I am the worlds greatest chess player. I have played the best in the world, and I would have been in the top ten thousand, at least, a few months ago.
None now remain. I am the Grandmaster of Scales, by virtue of victory.
Challenge me at the chess tournament taking place in Liscor today. The first person to defeat me will win. The right to challenge me, formally, will be won by working their way up the tournament. I will play you at my utmost best and keep playing until I lose.
Ill come at you with my best.
Posted Reward: Eighty gold coins to tournament winner, lesser rewards for finalists.
Quest Reward: One level in any <Intelligence> class.
Azkerash dropped the plate of magical delicacies he was handing to Nerrhavia. The ghost dropped a fork.
Archmage Eldavin stopped drinking his cup of morning tea, and Telim ducked.
The Blighted King sat up upon his throne as his trusted advisor, Nereshal, practically sprinted into the room.
Silvenia, the Death of Magic, the greatest [Mage] in the world
Well, you got the picture. Was that real? No, it was. And if it were realno matter what level you held? <Intelligence> classes?
That wasnt all. The quest itself. As far as anyone knewyou couldnt lie on a <Quest>, right?
The worlds greatest chess player sat in The Wandering Inn and looked up. She smiled into the camera.
Well do a quick demo match. Niers, youd better bring your best because you have to work your way up in the tourney like everyone else.
The Titan stared at Erinand his dangersense began going off. Not the Skill, but something more instinctual. Slowly, he re-read the quest and realized that Erin hadnt banned
He glanced up. Then, to the audiences amazementthe Titan tipped over his king. He stood up.
In that caseIll see you later, Erin. But I dont intend on wasting a chance. Especially if I need to surprise you.
The [Innkeeper] grinned. The Titan stepped back and glanced at Lyonette. The [Princess] looked excited, pale with nervesand she jumped as he bowed to her.
Miss? Please put me down for the tournament. I will be ready.
He stepped back, and then half the Fraerlings were shouting, demanding to be put on. Lyonette gulped as her Thronebearers whirled.
This party was heating up fast.
But that wasnt fun, to hear the quest. To see the Titan tip over a piece and not see a chess game. Now, everyone wanted to see Erin do a demo match, even if it was just chess.
Someone take his place! Just for a demo match. Erin, is that alright?
Drassi practically screamed. Erin smiled.
Ill let someone take a shot at the reward right now.
The Titan whirled back, and she gave him a wink.
Thats called courage. Anyone but the Titanwho wants to get a free level?
The inn suddenly fell silent. Who would take Erin on? Gireulashia almost stepped forwards, but she hesitated. Wil, Venaz, Merrikthey were taking cues from their Professor.
They might need to save their plays. After all, if Erin thought she would be taking on challenger after challenger
On the other handthis was the chance to win a level. You could, in theory, take a game off Erin!
And the clever people had realized something.
She hadnt banned all Skills. Just Skills that actually altered the game itself. So someone stepped forwards with all the arrogance in his sniffing nose.
Pisces Jealnet turned to face Erin and smiled.
I believe that I might be a suitable opponent. For a demonstration match. Pray, dont feel too upset if I take the quest right now.
He looked around as the inns crowd susurrated. Niers eyed Pisces as he sat down. The [Mage] had no Skills to help him out, but Niers vaguely remembered him being a sharp player, and he had trained against Erin Solstice.
Perhaps the [Necromancer] just wanted to be part of the moment. Howeverhed made a critical mistake. In fact, Erin had, in a sense.
Because she had posted a <Quest>. Because she knew she could. A <Heroic Quest>. And as Pisces sat down, Erins smile to him changed. Her hazel eyes suddenly began burning, the brown-green-gold shimmering and dancing as if her very irises had caught on fire.
The [Necromancer] blinked. That wasnt a trick of the light. Thenas if he had forgotten, as if he had taken the words for granted, he saw a line on the <Quest> paper light up.
Ill come at you with my best.
Thenthe table began shaking. Pisces was thrown about in his chair, and the [Necromancer] shouted.
Whatwhats happen
The table dropped, and suddenly, he was free-falling through space. The flailing young man felland the inn and the guests vanished. He landed without pain on the ground, crouching, reaching for his rapier instinctively. Then he looked up.
A lunar landscape of blasted pale, sooty ground and glowing lines drawn into perfect squares stretched out ahead of him. Pisces saw graven towers rising out of the dirtand he was simultaneously staring up at an equine [Knight] rearing above him, snarling as the hooves pawed at the air.
A Golem? The tower was sixteen feet tall. And at the same timeit was a knight piece, small enough to pick up. He was in the void of blackness. Thenhe saw something rising in the distance.
Her head appeared over the horizon like a Giant of old. Her eyes were on fire, and she had a hat burning on her head. The [Necromancer] looked around and tried to pinch himself out of the illusion. But Erin Solstice stared down at him as the entire world began to shake. He saw light writing itself over her head.
Thenthe [Necromancer] felt a pit drop out of his stomach. Because he was reading something. Her very best? He looked up and saw a class.
[Temporary Class Assigned: Grandmaster of Death, Advent of Living Chess]
[Temporary Skill Assigned: Visions of Defeat (Legendary)]
[Temporary Aura Assigned: Aura of Giants (Chess)]
[Temporary Skill Assigned: Chessboard: Subsumed Reality, Our Board is the World]
[Temporary Skill Assigned: Clash of Wills]
An [Innkeeper]nothe [Grandmaster of Chess] stared down at Pisces as he felt an aura pushing at him. He looked upand a hand the size of Liscor reached down and picked up a chess piece. Erin placed a pawn down, and her pieces were white like ivory.
The ground quaked. Pisces felt it vibrate like an [Earthquake] spell. And hehe had to play that? He tried to pick up a pawn piece, and he could. He looked upand that was his last mistake.
A pair of black wings sprouted from Erins back. Her eyes were slitted pupils now, and he felt like they were a pair of [Disintegration] spells boring holes in him. Then he blinked
And a roaring Dragon, the last Void Dragonlord, was staring down at him. Xarkouth roared as Pisces hand shook wildly. He tried to look away, and the deathly pale face of Khelta was looking right at him.
The great [Necromancer] and first ruler of Khelt stared Pisces down as he turned white. He tried to play a chess piece.
The [Innkeeper] was smiling. She began to play, and the entire lunar world quaked as she put down her pieces. The guests of her inn only saw part of what Pisces saw
Like they were staring at a distant dreamy battle occurring on the horizon. It reflected itself over Pisces and Erins heads. Just for a second. But that was enough for them to realize what made the [Necromancer] flinch.
Pisces was almostalmost able to think of a move when a wailing sound filled the air. He jumped and heard a screaming wail of electric strings. A bass howling like the storm he felt whipping around the world he was trapped in.
The [Necromancer] and the guests turned and saw a Hobgoblin [Bard] playing on a guitar. Like his other theme songshe was playing one for Erin. But not Erin the [Innkeeper] of so many emotions, wondrous and gentle.
He was playing a rock song for the chess monster sitting across from Pisces. Erins eyes flashed with amusement, and a ray of solar fire baked Pisces. She pointed at him, and his mind went blank as he saw what Inkar feared.
A hilla mountain with burning eyes, as tall as the horizon, flanked by the legends of death, waiting for him. She spoke, and his bones quaked.
Your move.
The [Necromancer] died so fast that only his slow play drew out the match to five minutes. But that was okayno one said anything as he tipped over his king piece, then shot out of his chair.
Mrsha was hiding behind Moore. They could only seeflickers of what Pisces was seeing. But they felt the inn trembling. Numbtongue liked it, and so did his band.
Kevin was slamming on a drum as Saliss took a backup guitar and Bird justscreamed into a microphone. The band was revolutionizing a sci-fi rock song genre, and the music was like a challenge. It slowed a bit as the [Necromancer] backed away and Erin stopped glowing.
What waswhat was
Pisces pointed at Erin, and the burning gaze faded. Erin blinkedand the glowing class and Skills faded. She poked at herself and then seemed to come out of a trance.
Whoa. What was that?
That was what the chess players had to face. Gire, Niers students, the Titan himself
Niers was grinning. He felt sweat rolling down his back, but he couldnt stop the smile. What a monster.
If only shed taken levels in her real class. But for a second, you could sit down and face
Erin Solstice.
Chaldion, the greatest chess player in Pallass, was sweating himself as he tried to figure out another move. His [Path to Victory]
No longer seemed like the trump card it had been. Erin Solstice stood up. She spread her arms as she faced the scrying orb.
Ill be waiting. If nothing else, Ill probably get tired. Now. Whos coming at me? Sign up now. The first person to work up the rankings gets a chess match with me. And we continue until I lose.
So who was going to play? The answer was
Earl Altestiel was on his way back to Desonis from Calanfer. But he was screaming at Kiish to go faster, and his carriage was swerving left down a road. Hed begun picking up speed ever since this morning, but the first games in Liscors tournament had begun!
There was a two-silver entry fee, which Lyonette had imposed just to pay for all the [Mages] and stop the number of entrants from climbing past the thousands. In fact, shed begged the Mages Guilds to send her the regional champions.
And even thenAltestiel was speaking into a stone.
Your Majesty, every single [Strategist] and [Tactician] over Level 20 in Desonis. No, most wont make it to the finals, but we need to flood the competition because there will be too many to play past otherwise. And they might level from the contest alone! Play yourself! Kiish and I will be entering the bracket in a half-an-hour, but I need to
He was headed to a neighboring kingdom that hed been passing through. Location! Altestiel cursed not riding or finding an inn. But if he was going up against
Erin? No, the Grandmaster of Scales, he needed more than to just be rested. He needed someone to bounce ideas off of.
And it was clear his only ally in the area had thought the same thing.
Lord Belchaus, the Lord of the Dance, came storming up the road towards Altestiel and whirled his horse around in a quick u-turn.
Altestiel! Get to my manor! We need to compare notes! I have stamina potions, boards set upare we allowed to practice or get help while playing her?
Theres no rule against it! Do you have any intellect potions?
No, but Im sending for a [Tutor]!
Brilliant! Whens your game?
In an hour! Are we competing with each other?
Altestiel didnt know. He bared his teeth.
I thinkwe had better plan on working together! If were going to take her down, it might have to be through exhaustion!
They were speaking like she was some great monster to be slain. Like a Dragon! But if what hed seen was trueshed beaten Dragons. Erin Solstice was playing chess as he watched, and he would have felt a twisting in his stomach that shed lose before he even got a chance.
But as he watched, she was taking on the first local champion of Liscor and any thoughts about the unfair system of the tournament was lost. Because if anything, the people playing her first games were the unlucky ones.
Thousands of people in Liscor had picked up a chess board after hearing about the quest. And the eighty gold pieces. Even if they had only played once or watched the gamewhy not give it a shot?
They organized in vast queues, playing each other, trying to psyche the others out, and using Skills liberally. The only cheating was asking another player to literally play for them.
But Skills? Skills were free-game, and the winners of each bracket would clash with each other as they rose in the rankings. International players whod won their regional brackets squared off, but Liscors local tourney concluded fastest.
Who won the first tournament? Olesm was signed up for a scrying orb game, so he wasnt participating.
But Wil, Venaz, and Merrik had signed up for the first tourney. If they lost, they could enter a later bracket and work their way up to Erin. They had reasoned that the only good players were Gireulashia, Bird, and possibly Klbkch the Slayer or a local [Strategist]. Pallass had its own game, so there was no one else, right?
In came Belgrade. Straight through the door that led to Liscors army. The chess games were so intense it was like watching him come in, pick up a chair from the inn, and beat Wil to death with it. Then he ran over Merrik.
Venaz was struggling. Gireulashia had gotten lucky with the Silverfang Gnolls whod all queued up with her, but he had run into a bunch of Antinium.
Even if not all of them were as good as he wasthey played far too well for amateurs. He was sweating as one took him down to trading his queen for a sacrificial play that netted him the closing checkmate. He got a bit of breathing room the next game.
How did you get this far?
Mrsha the Squire of Chess had beaten Relc, Menolit, and Visma to get to her spot. She cracked her knuckles as Venaz set up the board.
Punting the Gnoll into the far wall in a metaphorical sense gave Venaz the chance to relax. Mrsha flipped the board in rage as she sulked off. He turnedand saw Belgrade dueling Rags.
The two were going at it like lightning, and the Goblin and the Antinium were good. Venaz eyed them, then frowned as he heard a howl.
No! I lost! Mrshaaaaaa!
Gire went crying to Mrsha, and the two hugged each other. They were joined by a sobbing Bird. Venaz twisted in his seat.
Gireulashia and Bird were both taken out of their bracket? He had assumed one would knock the other out after a tough game. But then Venaz found it was going to be him or his opponent versus what looked like Belgrade for a shot against Erin.
Rags was growling, but Belgrade was using his Skills, and Rags werent strategy oriented. Poisonbite kept trying to massage her Chieftains shoulders and distracting Rags.
So who had knocked Gire and Bird out? The opponent went to sit down, and Venaz eyed an unknown Antinium.
Greetings. I am Venaz of Minos. Who are you?
The Worker stared at him. He was no Painted Antinium, and Venazs first thought was that he was up against a [Crusader]. Or Garry?
No. The Worker had taken out Garry and everyone else. When the mandibles opened, Venazs blood ran cold. For it sounded like six voices were speaking through the Worker.
We are the Queens of the Antinium.
He looked upand the Unitasis Network was flickering through the Worker. Six Queens were combining their intelligence. Then Venaz felt his skin crawl as an aura began pressing down at him.
[Predictive Analysis].
The Worker whispered. Venaz employed his own Skills.
[Unpredictable Insight]. He thought he saw a flaw in their thinking. What if he opened up with a side-charge from one of the knights? Thenthe opening vanished.
Six minds were working in unison. The Minotaur slowly looked up as the Worker smiled. After alleven if they were divided, what if you could get six levels for the price of one?
F-foul! Im facing more than one opponent.
Its not against the rules. Ive played the Antinium before. Do your best, Venaz.
Belgrade was staring at the Queens as Erin Solstice waited. She was eying the Queens. And she knew they would be her final opponent, Belgrade or not.
It wasnt just that they were six working as oneit was the intimidation factor. The Queens had a presence, a combined weight through their vessel. It pushed at Venaz. He was good enough to deal with it, but he was an inferior player who tried to go for speed to unsettle his opponents decisive moves.
They were six minds linked. Queens who could command a battlefield. In a sense, it was like watching them give Venaz a spanking. HoweverBelgrade was very good.
He fell to the intimidation aspect. The Queens pushed at him mentally, and he shook with nerves. His game began with a strike across the center of the board but lost momentum and fell apart. The Queens had an iron defense and fell for no tricks or casual mistakesit was like they were checking each others moves, and so they never missed a weak point in their game.
Erin wondered if they were better than early computers. She sat across the Queens in a televised game.
Antinium versus a Human. QueensSilvenia watched.
Well. Thats certainly not fascinating.
Yet she watched as she cast every predictive spell against her opponents. She had to camouflage who she was playing as, and she was actively trying to crash every connection she came across to give herself less opponents.
She hated chess. But heyshe smiled as several sacrificial Demons lined up. They looked reluctant as Silvenia pointed at them.
[Siphon Luck]. Your sacrifice is appreciated.
There were ways to play, and the Queens were using their best tactic. They came in hot, and Silvenia knew the pressure that True Antinium could exert.
The first champion to face Erin was reflected in Altestiel and Lord Bels scrying orbs. The Titan, the Death of Magic, and the other opponents watched the Queens squaring off against Erin.
This time, the Queens found themselves in their real bodies. Staring up. They were all vast beings who towered over other Antinium. The Silent Queen gazed around the alternate chess-dimension, and the Armored Queen raised a rook like a shield.
This is not a battle. Focus.
The Twisted Queen snapped at the others. She was the best player, and she would have added Wrymvr to the connectionbut he was terrible at chess. And Anand wanted to take Erin on personally.
Our Skills must be employed. Intimidate her.
The Grand Queen was leading the charge, and the Worker sitting across Erin in the physical world opened its mandibles and screeched.
[Intimidating Shout]!
The Free Queen was having fun, despite their sense of contest. Butshe had a bad feeling that her fellow Queens were underestimating Erin. The class was writing itself in the air again.
[Temporary Class Assigned: Grandmaster of Death, Advent of Living Chess]
But something was different about the Skills. Erins eyes flashed as the screaming Worker slowly stopped. She looked in pity at the Worker bound to the Queens.
Play me yourself, you six.
The Worker jerked and then recoiled from the board. Shaking, it looked at Erin as she winked at it. Then she turned, and the six Queens looking up at her saw a Skill writing itself in the sky.
That is not good. That is green. Is anyone else seeing that? I am. Its a fetching color, but Im getting uneasy.
The Flying Queens mandibles clicked. In silence, the six Queens saw a Skill appear.
[Temporary Skill Assigned: The Laughing Folk Bowed to None; Neither Shall I]
Their auras winked out. The Queens looked up, and they thought they heard voices. Laughing at them. Chuckling, practically wheezing with mirth. The [Innkeeper] smiled.
Challenger one. Lets begin.
The game between the Queens and Erin Solstice was causing ripples in the chess community.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Who is she? I think I know her. Sheswasnt she a chess prodigy?
Wait. You know her?
The Earthers of Rhir were going crazy. Most of them were queueing up for local games, but one group of them was huddled around a laptop and coming up with a plan to win. Howeverthere was one member of the thousand that had come to Rhir who stood head and shoulders above the rest.
That was International Master Antal Fekete of Hungary. An actual chess expert. For those who didnt knowwhich were a lot of his peershe was one rank below a Grandmaster of Earth, the highest chess level someone could obtain.
And he was watching Erin Solstice play one of the best games hed seen against a bug-person. They were both playing at such a high level he no longer doubted her claims to being a Grandmaster of Scales.
He was queued up against an Earl of Desonis. Antal glanced over with a frown.
I could use my laptop. I want to log this gamewhat are you doing?
Nothing! Just win this one, Antal. And if you dont
What are you doing with my chess program? If youre going to cheat
Run for it!
A group of laughing young men and women ran, and Antal, cursing, got up. But then his chess game began, and he sat, biting his tongue. He began playing, but much to his dismay, whomever he was playing was close to his level or
They had Skills he didnt. It was like they had a predictive software of their own. Antal had to forfeit, and he sat back.
Chesswasnt like how a lot of newcomers thought it was. Erins claim of winning every match was incredible. True, if she was really the worlds best, then it was likely youd draw a lot of games. But she was just aiming to win.
Now he saw that she had the benefit of Skills, it made sense. She was affecting her opponents on a psychological level. If they were relying on their own Skillsand she took them awayshe was effectively someone with a much higher chess level crushing people who were using crutches.
It was like everyone had a chess bot they could sometimes use for pivotal moves. Which was cheating, and he quite understood why some would call this entire tournament rigged. Different rules for a different world.
Cheating in the world of chesswell, if Antal had the inclination to cheat, and he did not, he knew that all you needed at the highest level was a move or two. Not to cheat the entire game, but to have a perfect move at a decisive point in the match?
He supposed that could lead him to beat Grandmasters consistently if he had that. Which was why Skills were so upsetting to the fair game. However, that was also contingent on them being the best moves.
Chess was a game that favored AI. In that a computer could always, always win over a regular person because it could calculate optimal moves where they could not. Some Grandmasters could and did make machine-perfect moves, but not for an entire game.
A computer could. Most chess programs werent that powerful, especially ones built into a computer. But an artificial intelligence could beat even the best mind.
He wondered what would happen if Erin ran into his laptop. Orsomeone else.
Challengers #22 and #23 were odd. Erins games with each challenger were quick. Even if they took a long time, she was playing them in rapid lightning matches.
[Immortal Moments].
But she was growing tired. She had run straight into Niers in her 4th match. The Titan of Baleros had pulled out every single Skill he thought he could use.
She had activated [Path to Victory]. Against him! Hed been forced to change his strategy in some way or loseand Chaldion had been opponent #8.
The Cyclops of Pallass own Skill led him straight into a trap. His [Path to Victory] turned into an illusion.
[Temporary Skill Assigned: All Plans Fall to Dust And Ruin (Chess)]
That had been when her opponents realized she could appear with a Skill that not only trumped theirs, but deceived their actual Skills.
If they had one consolation, it was this: Erin Solstice would lose.
She might have been boosted every time she sat down in a challenge match, but the mortal body was weaker. Erin Solstice was visibly tired after the 20th game against the Blighted King, but her game was still as sharp as a blade.
Earl Altestiel, Eldavin, Viscount Visophecinthey were just among the twenty-one players shed brought low. Soon, thoughshe might begin slipping up. How many games until she fell over? Of course, all she had to do was lose once.
So while it felt like her opponents were literally getting punched by boulders when she took a piece across the chess board or staring at an undead [Queen] pointing a legion of chess pieces at themthat was only what they saw.
If anything, the most interesting parts for the audience watching was seeing Erin Solstice talk to her opponents and acting away from the chess board. She would speak to them a minute or two before she sat down and played, mostly in silence.
That was the fascinating part for people not interested in chess.
Well, hey there! Magus-Crafter Femithain? Wait a second, dont I know that name? Saaaaydid you attack my friend?
The leader of Illivere blinked at Erin as she waved someone over. He bowed slightly.
Adventurer Ksmvr. I regret to say that I was an impolite host.
Oh, hello Magus-Crafter Femithain. You were a very wonderful host. I regret that someone accidentally freed Nsiia. Yes. Have you seen Yinah or Spitty? Or Nsiia? She stole my sword.
Ksmvr bowed to Femithain, and the Magus-Crafter hesitated.
I regret that I have not exchanged words with any of them, Ksmvr.
Wonderful. I mean, that you know each other.
Erin smiled wanly and yawned. The sun was still high in the sky, but it was on its way down. She looked at Challenger #21, and Femithain blinked as Erin motioned someone into frame.
It was a tossup who Erin met, and it was mostly just good chess players. Some people could fake their way to the top via magic, but to Silvenias complete and utter fury, shed lost to Feshi. Luck, magic, Skills to intimidate or read an opponent
The game was better than that. Nevertheless, there was a correlation most times between the players and their station. If only because a [King] could politely suggest to his vassals that they let him win.
Like Flos, who took Orthenon and Gazis spots to get a shot at Erin. Raelt himself kicked the King of Destruction off that region of Chandrars championship. Then Fetohep beat him.
However, if you made it to Erinshe motioned someone into frame, and Femithain hesitated.
This is Rags. Hey, Rags, its the guy who makes Golems.
He rules an entire nation. Hello.
Rags gave Erin a brief look, and the [Innkeeper] looked embarrassed. But Femithain bowed very politely.
Good evening, Chieftain.
Greetings to you.
That was all. And Femithain was probably being polite, but the Magus-Crafter didnt miss how Erin had laughed with Altestiel before making Belgrade come over to say hi. She wasnt bad at statecraft at all.
He bowed, sat, and Erin Solstice played like thunder for eighteen minutes. Then she got up and stretched.
Whos Challenger #22?
The fascinating thing about her games of chess was not the incomprehensible and difficult notation of the chess gamesbut who was trying to get a chance to play her.
And who was not able to do so.
A cursing Drake was edging into line in the huge queue going to Liscor from Pallass. She was checking her dark red dress when someone tapped her shoulder.
Scuse me. Scuse me. Im headed to the inn, and no, I was not waiting in line. Who do you think I am? I just came back to grab some stuffout of the way, Im important.
Saliss of Lights was strolling through the crowd, after his band performance. He had come back here, apparently just to annoy the crowds by deliberately stepping in front of people waiting for the inn. He shoved Lady Salkis out of the way and stopped as he saw the top chess championship of Pallass ending.
A laughing Human woman fanned herself, a [Merchant] by the looks of it, as one of the [Strategists] under Chaldion slumped. She stood up, and a [Guardsman] hurried over.
Adventurer Saliss, please stop getting in the way of the queue. The door is cycling. You can enter in ten minutes.
Ah, damn. Is this the winner? Hello, Miss!
Oh my. A naked Drake. You must be Saliss of Lights.
The woman gave Saliss an amused glance. She had black lipstick and winked at him. He threw an arm around her shoulders, and she glowered as he grinned at her.
Are you heading to play Erin? Fancy that, so am I! Ten minutes? Say, do you need to buy any magical makeup? A potion, perhaps?
I, ah
The woman gave the [Guards] a desperate glance, and they tried to peel Saliss off her, but he practically dragged her back.
Come on, lets go for a walk! I have a bunch of potions to foistI mean, sell to top people!
The woman smiled desperately, but there was no help for it. The Drake was strong. She followed him down the 8th Floor, and somehow, the pedestrians waiting for the door practically vanished only two corners from the door.
Mister Saliss, please. Youre hurting me.
They turned down a quiet street as the last Drake woman hurrying the other way vanished. Saliss looked concerned.
I am? I didnt ruin your makeup, did I? How do you do it? Wonderful powder. It even conceals dead skin.
The Human woman looked perplexed, and she snapped open her fan. Then she slashed it across Saliss neckor where he had been.
He ducked. And the undead woman lurched back and stared at the acid eating one foot. She swiveled.
Nerrhavias ghost struggled to control Azkerashs minion as she raised the fan. She had no Skills, so the corpse began firing [Deathbolts]. She turned, and Saliss slapped a glowing ember into the corpses mouth. Nerrhavias ghost recoiled as, remotely, the puppet burst into flames.
Now who are you?
Saliss kicked the puppet aside and bent, warily, to tear open the chest with a knife as several Eyes of Pallass appeared, but the corpse began to disintegrate, and he stepped back with a sigh.
Azkerash cursed as his third puppet failed to get to Erin.
He had none in Liscor, which he hadnt thought was a problembut two had been taken out, one by the [Guards], another by Saliss just now. The third had just lost a contest in Invrisil. Fuming, the Archmage of Death debated how risky it would be to play Erin remotely via scrying orb.
I can invoke one of my puppets to play the [Innkeeper]. Why do you, Nerrhavia, require a game up close? You claim to be one of the finest players!
Nerrhavia scowled at him.
Do not be uppity with me, [Necromancer]. Do you think Erin Solstice wont squash you like an insect across the board? She calls herself the Grandmaster of Scales. She beat Dragons and Giants in the lands of the dead. I have one chance, and that is to be up close with a vessel. To distract her.
The Necromancer folded his arms.
Well, I fear that is unlikely. Two agents are now defunct, and I have no more I care to lose with Named-rank adventurers on patrol. The risk is beyond me.
Oh, then go and play your little game, Necromancer. I shall enjoy watching you lose.
Nerrhavia turned and ignored him completely. Azkerash ground his teethbut he had seen Tulm lose the fifth game against Erin Solstice. Nowhe turned, and Challenger #22 appeared. He halted, and Nerrhavias head turned back.
Hello. Who is this girl?
The scrying orb showing Erins next challenger made even the [Innkeeper] stop.
Hi? Umare you, uh, uh, I know your name. Youre
Cognita Truestone.
Every head in the inn turned, and Ceria began to choke on her popcorn. She hadnt even bothered to try taking Erin on, circlet or not. But Cognita?
The Truestone Golem had beaten the Great Sage of Nerrhavias Fallen and everyone else in Nerrhavia. Nowshe sat down.
Am I not allowed to play, Erin Solstice?
Nobut I dont know if the <Quest> will work on you. W-wow.
The Golem was made of marble and perfectly composed. She raised one brow.
I merely desire to challenge you. I am Zelkyrs creation, and I have picked up chess like every other game. Will you oblige me?
Erin Solstice exhaled.
Yeah. Just out of curiosity. How good are you?
Cognitas smile was her only reply. Erin Solstice sat downand no Skills activated. Her eyes didnt blaze. The <Quest> didnt acknowledge her opponent. But Erin did.
Thus began the longest game of chess yet. It was just Erinversus a Truestone Golem. The first thing that Erin and some of the people who knew chess realized was this:
Cognita was no computer.
Or rather, she wasnt as adept as a computer program. But she was the closest thing to it. Erin did not place pieces down with certainty. She sat and played.
The game took two hours and five minutes. When it was done, Erin looked toasted. She had a handful of pawns and a knight against several of Cognitas and the audience was dead silent.
However, before the Golem could try to corner Erin, the [Innkeeper] forced a threefold repetitionsomething that most novice chess players had no idea was even a rule. That technically made the game a draw.
Draw. Another game?
Erin croaked. But Cognita just stood up.
I believe I am satisfied. Fare well on your next game, Erin.
The [Innkeeper] nodded. Then she groaned as another player appeared in the scrying orb. Due to the delay, all the other champions had lined up and beaten each other senseless.
Whos next?
Correy, from Rhir! Hey, Erin! Im totally a fan!
A young man sat confidently behind a chess board. Erin frowned at him and sat upand nothing happened. He began playing, and Erin began playing too.
Chess Challenger #23 was as strange as #22. None of Erins Skills activatedand yet, this young man had beaten even Chaldion in a chess game against the other people waiting for a turn.
Whether it was Erins exhaustion or his abilitieshe had Erin from the moment they began. The [Innkeeper] started losing pieces. Lyonette ran over with a refreshing drink and food, but Erin merely lifted a hand after forty-six moves.
Whats wrong? No takebacks. Im a [Fire Mage], and I want to level.
Correy was smiling, but he had been staring at something just past Erin every few seconds. He had frizzy red hair that made him look his classand his smile was too relaxed.
The other chess players, from Chaldion to Niers, were waiting as Erin Solstice glanced at him. Their suspicions were confirmed when Erin pushed the board back.
Im afraid, Correythat the games off. Youre cheating.
What? No Im not! Prove it.
Erin just stared down at the chessboard, and Antal nodded. If hed been able to use his own computer, he suspected hed be able to perfectly match Correy to an algorithms perfect moves. But then againhe didnt have to guess.
Correy was staring at his damn laptop. Erin Solstice might not have had proof, but she just folded her arms. And her eyes flashed.
The <Quest> and I know youre cheating. Whats up, Correy?
Hey, Im a huge fan, Erin. We should talk.
Maybe, but not here. You dont belong in that seat. Next?
It was the same thing that Niers and the other opponents that Correy had beaten had sensed. It was one thing to ask for advice. When Altestiel met Erin on the board, the Lord of the Dance was talking to him on one side, Kiish reading out fellow [Strategists] input in the other ear.
But it was still a joint effort, a communal victory or one person taking help. There was a difference between even that and letting someone else do all the work. Letting a computer play for you. Erin turned her head away, and Correy got mad. He leaned over the board.
Hey! Im w
The [Innkeeper]s eyes flashed. Then Correy shouted, and his scrying orb went dark. A flash of light bloomedand the laptop exploded. She blinked, but Challenger #23 vanished. The only sound she heard before the feed cut was someone elsea young man?
He was laughing in a high-pitched cackle. The [Clown] howled with laughter amid the screams and Correys shouts of pain.
Diddid I do that?
Erin gulped. She didnt think so. And if she didnt do thatshe saw Nerry staring up at her, as wide-eyed as Ulvama.
A bunch of potential cheaters eyed her faceand slowly put away their various cheating implements.
She was insane. Drassis Channel 2 news was breaking recordsagain. Even the famous summit with the Arbiter Queen hadnt done this wellbecause the news was becoming something people tuned into.
Howeverwhat was significant about this wasnt just the games themselves, but how people were interacting. It was almost as fun to watch people getting mad about Erin or hearing alternate takes.
She has to be cheating herself. There is no way a Human can beat every person whos gone up against her. Shes not even old! Her brain isnt half as big asas a Gorgons!
A Lizardfolk woman was ranting after being kicked out of the second-rung of her tournament. Some people were also pointing to Erins use of Skills as clear proof that this was all rigged.
Others were just mad because most of the opponents making it to Erin were Humans or humanoid. Another Lizardfolk grabbed the magical microphone.
This is a conspiracy! Ive been counting, and do you know how many Lizardfolk got to play that Human? Two! Umina and one of our Lamias! Two out of twenty! Everyone else is a Human!
What about Tulm the Mithril?
The [Mage] doing the interviews had to ask. The Lizardman scowled.
Practically Human!
Fetohep of Khelt? Hes undead!
Still a Human!
The Quarass?
At this point, the Lizardman hesitated.
Uhwell, shes Human right now!
What about the Antinium who faced Erin first?
Stop saying things that refute my point.
Not everyone was a fan of Erin Solstice when all was said and done, for reasons that were better or worse depending on the logic involved. However, for every person complaining?
Well, well, well. So my opponent is none other than the famous Feshi of the Gnoll Tribes?
If Erin Solstice were flashy enough in her games with her opponents, her aura was still mostly confined to people who sat down against her. Drassi had tried to show the audience what it looked like to play against Erin. But the scrying orb only caughtflashes.
Like a flash of a distant lunar battlegrounda visionflickering across the air. Or those black wings, Void Dragonfire, or the hints of laughter running around her.
Which was making some people think she was a Dragon. No, no, think about it. Who knew how to play chess that well? She had magical fire, right? And she just happened to start an inn outside Liscor? Who survives crossbow bolts? Dragons.
Cirediel thought the theory was sort of stupid because he noticed, but he also saw the appeal. The wings looked hot.
But he was cramming popcorn into his mouth with his friends in a bar as he saw one of the challengers sit down to vie to be one of Erins opponents. He had the scrying orbs control, but every time a game began, Cire kept switching channels.
Because he hated chess. But watching the people talk? That was something.
The Earth Dragon felt it. In that way, he saw something people were missing.
The opponents from around the world were talking to each other. Feshi Weatherfur looked up as someone entered the scrying orbs frame opposite her. He came in like a wrestler entering a titleship match.
Fifteen servants set up a raucous serenade of trumpets as a man in armor ran forwards to cheers from his audience. His enchanted armor flashed as he threw back a cloak off his shoulders and pointed a finger at her.
General Thelican of Nerrhavias Fallen was all show, despite having lost three bids for a championship position. And while Feshi herself was perplexed by his entryhe was beaming.
I am delighted to meet you, Feshi Weatherfur!
Thank you, General Thelican. How is Nerrhavias Fallen?
His face fell slightly.
Oh, were at war with the King of Destruction, but you know how it is. Unlike some nations, were used to facing legends on the field, eh? Youve clashed with the Walled Citieshow are the tribes, if you dont mind me asking?
It was a rather insensitive question, but Thelican followed it up with some actual insight.
As I understand it, the lack of Chieftains means your Tribes will be partnering and safeguarding the younger ones until Chieftains emerge. No direct appointing to the role and risking a poor candidate. I think thats a fascinating way to run leadership classes.
Feshi blinked and ducked her head.
That isthe way the tribes organize. I am impressed you know this, if you do not mind me saying so.
Everyone has been fascinated with Gnoll culture. I was dining on silkap just the other night. Delightful dish.
What, the snack for dinner? There were obviously some disconnects, but Thelican could do worse. And in fact, he insisted on talking for nearly twenty minutes before the game even began and while it played. That was partly why hed won some games; not all of his opponents could talk and play.
I shall send you a suit of Nerrhavias [Sandstorm Dervish] armorthe kind we arm our best warriors with. Obviously, we are used to fighting in different terrain, but I think you might take something from it. And some fine items from home. A rug, perhaps. A flying rugsend her some good vintages.
He clicked his fingers grandly to his servants, and Feshi looked surprised, but Thelican had been doing this all day. She hesitated and ducked her head.
Then I shall send you some of Weatherfurs finest paints and dyes. I am told even Nerrhavia lacks for the pigments we have.
Thelican raised a cup, and half of Nerrhavias Fallens [Painters] began to lambast Feshi and mock the tribal Gnolluntil she smiled.
You do not have access to them, General Thelican. We do not sell such dyes save at the Meeting of Tribes due to how rare they are. I will send you some for cloth.
That made him smile.
[Strategists] from across the world were introducing themselves. In fact, the Blighted King, whenever he appeared in a scrying orb against his opponents, often took the time to briefly speak to them.
He was one of the worlds top players. Which astonished anyone outside of Rhir. The Lizardmans complaint wasnt entirely unjustified.
Of the best playersthe Blighted King, Eldavin, and the Titan of Baleros were among the finest. Added to that, the Lord of the Dance and one more.
Archmage Feor was the last of the five best players that Magnolia Reinhart had once vouchsafed to Erin Solstice. All five men had lost.
Even the Blighted Kings Skills lost against Erin. Eldavin? She had beaten him once before. Their games were among the best, but Erin Solstice was not losing.
In fact, when the Archmage of Elves waited for his turn, heart pounding, ready to greet her, he saw the oddest sight.
Challenger #46 saw Erin Solstice blearily walking around the inn, gulping down coffee, as she yawned. But then a cheering group of people had her on the floor.
Doing pushups. Feor watched as a group of Redfangs shouted, trying to give what they thought was a boost to Erins energy.
Five! Six! Faster! Harder! Stronger!
Redscar was screaming at Erin. The [Innkeeper] was screaming back.
Stop making me do pushups! I hate exercise!
It was the silliest thing in the world, and when she saw Feor staring at her, she turned beet red. But there she was.
Like Niers, nolike no one before, Erin Solstice was dead center in the news, doing what she did best. Which was, when you got down to it, chess. She wiped sweat from her brow, sat down, and smiled.
Hey, is it Archmage Feor! Wow! This is amazing! Ceriahey Ceria, Falene, look!
She turned to Ceria and Falene, and both half-Elves pretended they didnt know her. Erin was meeting people that she had heard of only as famous names. Eldavin, Tulm, the Blighted King
But not Magnolia Reinhart. The reason was simple. Magnolia was watching the chess games, but she had declined to participate. Mostly because she had a fairly good idea how well she would do without obvious Skills that would lean on the competition and make her look unfortunate.
Howevershe was smiling. In that exasperated way she had when she watched Erin do anything, but with some genuine admiration.
Now, that was not to say that Magnolia was not part of this entire affair. Heavens, no. Lord Tyrion Veltras and the other Five Families might have lacked the, ah, chess acumen to make it to face Erin Solstice.
With the exception of Lord Deilan El. But Magnolia Reinhart was a [Lady]. She knew how to invite herself into the right situations even lacking the pure chess ability of some, and she could manufacture that moment herself.
It seems as though Archmage Feor is quite taken with Miss Solstice. Did she ask if he got her letter? My word, she is speaking to everyone.
She lightly fanned herself as she turned to address the rest of her panel. Which was Queen Jecaina, a terrified Yerranola, Drassi herself, a very pleased King Reclis of Calanfer, and yes, in deference to Lizardfolk fury, Lamia Tusxe, a mercenary commander on Rhir.
They were providing commentary, and unlike Jecainas more clinical trial, this wasnt about law. In fact, instantly, King Reclis leaned forwards.
He was just as good as Magnolia.
Please, Lady Reinhart. Are you insinuating that Miss Solstice is in aclandestine literary affair with more than just the Titan of Baleros?
Your Majesty of Calanfer, what are you suggesting? Theres nothing untoward about letters. If there were, Erin would be in bed with half a dozen [Kings] and some [Queens].
Lamia Tusxe nearly spat out her drink as Magnolia chuckled. She gave Reclis a smile which he returned. It was like they were playing a game of chess themselves, only they were learning the rules.
Oh, so this was how you did it? Drassi broke in with a laugh.
Lady Reinhart, King Reclis, you two are crazy. But is Erin actually sending letters toArchmage Feor? Oh my, shes destroying him on the board. I think well let our analysts tell us how the game went.
Magnolia pursed her lips as Jecaina squinted at the board.
It looks like Archmage Feor in the first part of the game actually opened up his left rook by moving his pawn forwards. Can we replay that, Drassi? My, my. I didnt know he was this amusing.
My understanding is that Archmage Feor is considered a top-level player across the world, in the [Mage] community and elsewhere, Lady Reinhart. I, myself, have played him, and I was considered one of the foremost players in Calanfer. What is so amusing?
Reclis teased her as Yerranola fumbled with her notes. Magnolia just sighed.
I happen to know that is called the, ahwhat was it? The Kadas Opening? A very bad opening for a very fine player, indeed. Archmage Feor might well be a skilled player, but I have been assured that is a terrible way to start a game. From playing myself, you understand. Perhaps it works on other players, but not Miss Solstice.
I believe shes seen it before, uh, uh, Lady Reinhart. Y-your Majesty. She took it apart very fast.
Yerranola stuttered in, and Magnolia turned.
Miss Yerranola, please. Magnolia will do. Or even Mags. You must come by Oteslia, and I will host you. What I am pleased about, though, is that Erin is keeping herself fed.
The rest of her commentary group looked askance as Magnolia smiled at Erin. Queen Jecaina murmured.
You must be joking, Lady Reinhart.
Humans. Shes going to die. Wait, I heard you had sugar for blood. Do you eat like that?
Tusxe pointed in horror as Erin, desperate to replenish her energy levels, snatched a bowl of ice cream from Lyonettes hands, then dumped it in a cup of milk. She proceeded to pour in her cup of coffee and add in a nali-stick. Magnolia smiled.
Not in that way, but I have a tiny sweet tooth.
Someonesomeone stop Mrsha. Hey, Drassistop Mrsha!
The Gnoll was trying to copy Erins example and make her own coffee latte ice cream shake with extra nali. Drassi ran off-screen and intercepted Mrsha. Magnolia defended herself as Reclis, Jecaina, and Tusxe took her to task about her eating habits.
Nothing would do then for them all to make the shake and publicly shudderexcept for Tusxe, who finished hers. Meanwhile, Reclis eyed a certain red-haired young woman. Well, formerly red-haired.
She was wearing a bad wig. Magnolia rolled her eyes, but she kept going. This was quite amusing.
Ryoka Griffin was watching her friend. So were the other Humans. They had to be. From a certain [Driver] heading north with an excited Antinium, to the Earthers of Rhir, the Singer of Terandria
They saw her and saw Erin doing what she did best. Something wild and crazy. Her friend, the Wind Runner, wanted to be in Liscor. She was so antsy she almost went over to where Lord Pellmia, Tyrion, and a bunch of [Lords] and [Ladies] were scheming.
What is the easiest tournament? No, no, I dont want a local onethis is First Landing. Enter us in the Yoldenite tournament. Lord Pellmia, Lord Tyrionfine, make them Drake names. Lord Pellsia, Tyllion
They were, uh, not doing well. Ryoka hadnt bothered trying to get in the tournament. She had played Erin when the [Innkeeper] was being nice.
Right now, it looked like Erin Solstice could breathe fire and spit lightning. In a literal sense. Some of her Skills seemed to actually sap her opponents strength. Every time she took a piece off the board when she played a Centaur [Tactician], he grew paler and paler.
Mind you, he had already begun hyperventilating, but Ryoka actually saw a phantom bolt of lightning, like a flickering apparition, go through him when she knocked out his queen. He trotted around in a circle in his scrying orbthen passed out.
Whoa! Shes killing them if she wins! Its a chess game to the death! Thats awesome. Ryoka, Ryoka, its your move.
Sammial thought it was neat. He slapped his board impatiently, and Ryoka glanced down. She was playing him and Hethon, and she frowned.
You moved your pieces.
I get my pawn back.
Because you have too many of my pieces! I get my pawn back!
Sammial insisted. He folded his arms, and Ryoka rolled her eyes.
Sure, take your pawn back. Check.
As the young [Lord] tried to scheme his way back to a victory, Ryoka turned to the scrying orb once more. What impressed her about Erin was not the Skills or the <Quest>. Well, those were amazing, as was her wiping out foe after foe. But it wasnt even her meeting the rich and powerful. To Ryoka, that was dangerous. It wasnt the community, the excitement
It was Ryoka Griffins eternal envy for anyone who saw her opponents in that half-seen world. What she and her chess opponents saw was mostly lost to Ryoka. But the Wind Runner knewperspective. She watched Viscount Visophecin appear in the scrying orb and his careful look at Erin Solstice.
She suspected that Erin saw something completely unique. She hoped that Erin was smart about it. This was the second game, and if the first had been any indication
Erin had seen him.
It was just supposed to be a game. Once more, he sat down and sank into another dimension. Unlike the other players, he knew other dimensions.
This was a power like his own. Given to an [Innkeeper] for this quest? Incredible. Unbelievable.
But what made the Lucifens skin crawl even as he kept his face smiling for the cameras was this.
The illusion of a man faded, and a Devil spread his wings. He stood in a world of blackness as a roaring river the size of an ocean ran under the chess board hovering in the air.
Another area this time? The Lucifen looked up, and there was no giant this time. Erin Solstice was sitting across from him, tired. Mortal. Frail. Sweaty.
Sowhy was his hand shaking? He looked at it idly and then at her. His true form was revealed. The first time, he had been so disconcerted hed thrown the match.
This timehe watched her face and wondered if he would have to kill her. For she was seeing something she should not be able to. Yet she was Ryokas friend. And what made the Lucifens heart beat fast was
The [Witch of Second Chances] sat there. Empowered by the glowing Skills and class hovering over her head. But that was not what made Visophecin freeze.
There were a pair of horns growing out of her head. Her skin was grey, like his, and when she smiled, her pointed teeth were a copy of his own. He looked at herand she nodded to him.
Viscount Visophecin, isnt it? Ailendamus?
He knew their voices were being picked up by the scrying orbs, even if this wasnt. The Viscount had heard her greeting some of the Humans with familiarity, but no one could say what was truly secret. YetErin just nodded.
Ailendamus must be a fun place. Although I dont support the war. I have friends that Ailendamus attacked. You look familiar, though.
I dont believe we have met. Although we did play earlier today.
The Lucifen carefully scrutinized her face. The [Innkeeper] leaned back and laughed. Her eyes glittered red, and she smiled.
[Temporary Skill Assigned: Visions of Defeat (Legendary)]
Slowly, the Devil gazed past Erin as a figure walked out of the shadows. He said nothing at all as a Lucifen wearing Chandrarian clothing in the style of old Khelt plucked an obsidian rose and placed it behind Erins ear, like a memento. The [Innkeeper] didnt seem to notice.
Ive met a lot of interesting people today. Its familiar. Nowshall we begin? How far away is Ailendamus, anyways?
A [Princess] walked into the void and whispered urgently in her ear. Visophecin had seen the [Princess] and the Thronebearers cueing Erin into her guests. She blinked and laughed as Lyonette hurried away with a look at Visophecin. He nodded to her.
Far from Liscor, I am afraid.
Erin sighed.
Everything cool is. But tell you what. If you ever travel to Izrilconsider visiting my inn?
The Lucifen saw her lift a chess piece, and he managed a reply as the first piece came thundering down and the river below him began to twist and roar.
I believe I shall if ever the opportunity arises.
Visophecin went down in flames, but he didnt just go back to preparing for another game. Insteadhe pulled out a [Message] spell as the Lucifen and Agelum demanded to know if everything was still safe.
He assured them it was and logged onto the worlds largest [Message] thread group.
Viscount V: Attacking her control by focusing on her knights did nothing. She is endlessly adaptive.
Rainy Boy: She still prefers to take the center. I suggest that anyone going at her force her into more unique patterns.
E: I will not waste my chance on possibilities, Earl. It seems to me that trying to be unique is a surefire way to lose; better to play an opening you know well.
Rainy Boy: You say thatbut I have seen her lose.
Viscount V: To whom?
Fetohep: Your diction is excellent. I believe that would be Bird, who plays in unique styles, is it not?
Strategist Coleom of Chandrar, Nerrhavias Fallen: Archmage Eldavin, I am such a huge fan of yours. Could I ask you if youd be willing to entertain a visit to
E: Deleted. Apologies. Didnt someone press her quite hard? Who played her in that game with diagonal approaches?
Scout Leader Illn: Me?
Rainy Boy: Wonderful game. She might be adaptive, but she has a weakness. Does anyone want to volunteer to try that on her?
Fetohep: Assuming the chance occurs, I shall.
Quarass: And I. Excuse me, I was away.
Mri: AND MY AXE! Forsooth! I have defeated Erin Solstice before and have come to impart my wisdom!
E: Get out of here. And stop coming back.
The second day of the party was all about chess. Chess and meetings. Lyonette thought she was mostly ready for the big party on the final day. Even if Pawn and she
She was staying up, lighting lanterns, and there was still a huge crowd, even if the children had long since passed out. Because there was Erin Solstice.
Challenger #87. Fetohep, again. His golden eyes burned in the darkness as he tipped over a king piece.
They werecycling. Eighty-seven challengers, and most had gone through [Immortal Moments]. Otherwiseit might have been days.
Erin looked like she was spent. She just nodded to Fetohep, but she waited. Niers, Chaldionall of the players that were the best kept reappearing to take their shot at her.
And each time, they got closer. However, they were feeling the effects of exhaustion, and, too late, Niers realized he should have gone to sleep and started fresh.
That was hindsight for you. The worlds audience and Drassi were just waiting to see who finally took Erin Solstice down.
It was like watching a pack of Carn Wolves taking down a Mossbear. They were circlingand then one would come in, and there would be a flash of fangs and a bitter, bloody battle. The [Innkeeper] was no longer smiling.
She was concentrating, and she was visibly reacting to the quality of her opponents. She actually groaned when the scrying orb flickered.
You again.
A lot of weaker challengers were appearing, local regional masters. However, while some were surprising, Erin could knock a Naga flat, or Beatrice, or even Valeterisa.
But the Quarass of Germina was a top-tier opponent. She twirled a pawn on one finger, then put it down. Erin inhaled
And the Quarass stood by the thousands. Lifetimes of mastery facing down a world of ghosts. Erin Solstice looked in her eyes, and the Quarass nodded.
We have more to talk about than mere games.
The [Innkeeper] was blazing out, but she was going down swinging. She put down a piece, and the Quarass felt it like a quake.
Take me out and well talk. The [Innkeeper]s mouth was a line of concentration as she bit her lip to keep herself focused. You cannot best me that easily.
Dead gods, theyre going at it.
A yawning Qwera watched as pieces flew off the board and the Quarass and Erins hands blurred under the effects of their [Immortal Moment]. To outsiders, it looked like they were sped up, locked at the horns.
Speaking of hornsOlesm pushed himself back from the table and went back for his second rematch as Venaz smashed a fist on his board. Erin Solstice took down the Quarass and wobbled. She looked up.
Niers? Dont you have any sympathy for little old me?
The Titan appeared, grinning.
This is your hour, Erin. Show us how the Worlds Greatest Player goes down. Five seconds per move? Flash game?
He taunted her, and Erins lips moved.
[Temporary Skill Assigned: My Thoughts Run Like Lightning]
A crackling storm swept over the void between them, and the Titan sighed as he saw her straighten her back.
Bring it on.
The Skills were still adapting to every opponent. Niers lost, swearing vividly, as Erin drew him into a rapid defeat. He couldnt keep up with her!
However, that had drained her even more. But now the audience was riveted. Again, not by the game.
By the atmosphere. The fourth challenger in a row appeared.
Fetohep, the Quarass, the Titan. And then
International Master Antal Fekete appeared to cheers. Like the [Hero] facing the final bossthey were beginning to cheer on each player.
You again. Im sorry I cant play without Skills
At this point, Erin was recognizing her opponents levels, and she gave him a guilty smile. Antal replied.
No need. Youre insane.
It was not the first time they had played together. But it might be the last. There was no roar of black wings beating, no moon this time.
Antal sat in an [Immortal Moment], with words only for the two of them. In a [Garden of Sanctuary], feeling a spring breeze blowing across his face. He looked up as they played under a vast sakura tree with light green petals blowing in the wind.
Erin Solstice sat in the dress the owner of this garden had once worn. A silk kimono perhaps, but so long it spilled around her resting on a blanket over soft grass as she studied the chess board in front of them. Her hair was pinned by a single jade-green hairpin. She looked serene. Exhaustedand he thought she looked like a reigning champion waiting for him as she sat there.
Theres so much I want to talk to you about.
That was all Antal said. He looked at Erin, and the [Innkeeper] looked up. She smiled briefly.
I know. Im sorry, though. Im tired. AndIm playing you at my best.
Her eyes flickered, and the wind picked up. Antals heart was already racing. They could only speak like this brieflybut he spoke, desperate.
I know, but youre my senior in chess andhere. Do you know anything?
He was a hero of Rhir. Erin Solstice looked up slowly, and her eyes were sympathetic.
I dont know everything, Antal. But I can tell you this: it will not be easy. Its all real, andI cannot go across the world. Not yet. If you come to me, if you need help, I will try to give it. But youre going to need to find your way.
I just play chess.
The [Chess Player] closed his eyes. When he opened them, the [Innkeeper] was smiling gently.
So do I. It wont solve everything. But take this moment and use it. Youre not alone. You have to do your best. More than you ever thought you could. This? This is your first step. Show me what you have.
Then the breeze in the garden became a gale. Antal thought he saw a flaming bee flying past them as a hurricane blew around them, and he should have been so disconcerted that he didnt play well. Insteadhis mind was on fire, and he was pushing himself and hoping he remembered every move of this game.
He felt alive, like the truest moments of genius he had ever captured, like he was reading a hundred moves ahead. And his opponent was living in this world? Antal looked up at her as she came at him, and he wondered what opponents shed met to make her smile like that.
He dreamed, in that momentof playing chess with species he had never met. With Djinni and [Queens] and immortal beings and Golems. And he was not so afraid of the future.
The game took an hour and thirty-one minutes. To the audience? A minute, thirty-one seconds. Erin took a desperate gulp of a stamina potion, but she was swaying when she sat down.
Come on, easy opponent. Easy opponent. Ohuh, I didnt mean to be mean.
A Drowned Woman grinned as she saluted Erin in a swaying cabin. She whispered.
Shh, if you please. Were in the deeps. But its an honor to play.
In silence, they dueled, and the Drowned Woman bowed out as fast as shed entered, looking pleased to have challenged Erin. Butit wasnt clear that even these breaks were helping Erin. She raised bloodshot eyes and smiled mirthlessly.
Et tu, Anand?
The [Strategist] raised his arms as the Antinium began clicking and applauding wildly. So did the Goblins, cheering him.
Erin. Im sorry, but I wish to win.
So do I.
Even nowAnands raised mandibles trembled. The [Innkeeper] took a breathand her eyes began glowing again.
Oh dead gods, its like thats her special form or something. Its like shes a boss about to do a special attack. Joseph. Hey, Joseph. Do you think youll be able to do that in soccer?
Kevin whispered to Joseph as Erin faced Anand down. The [Football Coach] hesitated. He imagined someone activating a Skill for a kick.
Were already in a videogame, Kevin. Shes just the final boss of chess.
Dude, I make bikes. What kind of videogame is that?
How little he knew. Erin staggered off to the bathroom, but she came back in three minutes. She sat down and actually fell asleep. Her head dippedshe jerked upright
And her opponents knew it was time.
Who was next who could take her out? Who was going to get that level?
Azkerash, wearing a puppet-Naga, was trying to bludgeon the Lord of the Dance out of the way, and hed had a winning position, but the nimble [Lord] was hanging on for dear life. Tulm the Mithril was determined to crush Feshi, but the Gnoll was hanging on. Umina and Olesm were vying for next place.
Erin waited, sipping a glass of water as another local master appeared. Tulm lost to Feshi. Azkerash cemented his victory, and Olesm sighed in relief.
One of them would be next. Who? And would it be the first person or the third? Or in ten challengers?
Erin Solstice sat in her chair, and her hat was full to bursting. She was alive. She was dying. She was crying for the ghosts. She was triumphant, standing upon the metaphorical bodies of her enemies.
She was probably hallucinating at this point, but the [Innkeeper]s eyes were glowing, even against her weakest opponents. Sometimes she manifested other powers, even seemed to slightly change shape depending on the Skills she got.
Nowa burning hat made of flames as pink as Magnolias carriage flashed above her head. It burned, and the [Witch] began laughing.
She threw her head back and cackled as the tired audience saw her stop playing chess. Thenas Azkerash, Olesm, and Feshi waitedshe pushed herself back from the table. They stared in disbelief as her unknown opponent, who had challenged her for the first time, froze.
Erin Solstice lifted a hand up and swept the burning hat from her head. She bowedand looked her opponent in the eye.
Youve done it. Who are you? I didnt even ask your name.
She looked her opponent in the eye, and they seemed as stunned as Erin. Drassi looked up and lurched to her feetshed missed it? She swung the camera over, and slowly, a pudgy Human man raised his arms.
Calidus sat in his mansion as the scrying orb reflected his disbelieving face turning to rapid exultation and altogether too much pride.
I won? I woooooon! I am the greatest [Lord] in the world! Do you hear that?
He began posing and running about. In dead silence, the worlds best chess players looked up as Calidus Reinhart began whooping with glee.
He beat me. Hesgood.
Erin Solstice turned. The great expectations that had been placed on the other playersthe shocked audience looked at Erin Solstice, and she pointed. The image on the scrying orb became a split-screen of her best opponents.
Fetohep, a scowling Eldavin, the Quarass, Niers, AltestielErin saluted them.
The worlds best chess players took me on. I am the Grandmaster of Scales until someone replaces mein a formal tournament, not a silly <Quest>. More will appear. Chess has a future longer than what weve seen. The game is deeper than I know. But you? You are all amazing players. And I hope you level.
She beamed at them, and most smiled back, ruefully. Calidus was showering champagne all over the air and himself as he celebrated unabashedlybut it was true.
He was not the only one levelling tonight. But the [Innkeeper], of all of them, just stretched. She turned to Drassi.
Thats who I am. Its a shame I dont level up from chess. But that would betoo easy. Anyways, thats my inn. Look forwards to more tomorrow. Thanks. Night.
She smiledthen her eyes rolled up in her head. She passed out on her feet and fell straight backwards until Mrsha, Normen, and Pisces all dove to cushion her.
The legend of chess slept.
[Conditions Met: Hedonistic Wastrel Genius of Sloth Class!]
[Genius of Sloth Level 23!]
[Class Hedonist Removed!]
[Condition Drunken Oblivion Removed!]
[Skill Brilliant Insight (Weekly) obtained!]
[Skill Store Intellect obtained!]
[Rewarded Skill Move Reality Like Chess obtained!]
In the night, as a voice spoke across the world to many, a [Lord] opened his eyes in sudden, mortal terror.
Wait. Wait. No.
[Knight Marshal of the Rains Level 45!]
[Ritual The Fourth Tide Pours In Blood and Storm obtained!]
Yes! Kiish! KiishBel, get the wine out!
[Quarass Level 18!]
[Skill Remembered Skill obtained!]
She woke from her doze, and one eye cracked open.
Good, at last.
[King of Intrigue Level 37!]
[Skill Agreement of Stories obtained!]
The [King] said nothing at all, but hummed merrily as he thought about his daughter.
[King of Blight, King of Centuries Level 55!]
It was to be expected after last time, but he scowled.
[Midnight Goth Level 22!]
[Skill Morticious Insult obtained!]
[Skill Shadowcloak Stealth obtained!]
Heh. Heheheheh.
A [Head Server] working late into the night felt a chill on his fur as a Goblin started giggling.
They were coming out across the world, and if the Titan was left empty-handedprogress was made. Even if there was no Skill gained, next time, surely
The quest rewarded one man overwell and the rest of the world in spades.
[Eleleu Strategos Level 36!]
[Yodelling Lieutenant Level 25!]
[Dragonslayer Strategist Level 41!]
[Magus Level 15!]
[Strategist Chieftain Level 32!]
[Stoneshorn War Leader Level 29!]
[War Strategist Level 34!]
On and on. The voice did not discriminateeven if it changed and decided and assigned due to a logic only it knew. Even if things were different and someone was pushing the very rules themselves. But even they had no authority over everything.
So it spoke and spoke, until it came to one person to whom it delivered the announcement without waiting for sleep.
For, there would never be sleep again. It whispered after so long in his ears.
[Undying Lich, Myth of Death and Vengeance Level 78!]
[Skill Create Spectral Undead obtained!]
[Skill Sanctum: Death Magic Leyline obtained!]
[Skill Teacher of Magic (Universal) obtained!]
[Spell Death Kings Mirage of the Living obtained!]
[Spell Might of the Glomroath Beast obtained!]
He stopped at his work. Azkerash tapped his lipsand laughed despite himself. A fairly normal level up at this stagebut quite delightful, even so. And like so many, he decided he owed Erin Solstice a great favor indeed.
The Necromancer smiled.
Authors Note: So. Funny story here.
I didnt edit any Volume 1 chapters. Mostly because I had a feeling this could be a good chapter so I worked my butt off. Got 33,000 words done.
Now its LONGER. And looking at the edited chapter, its better, probably, but I have no energy for rewrites.
So I may take off that day in the month for editing because Im just getting better at editing the new chapters. However, as someone pointed out
I need to learn the part of editing where you cut things down. I have gotten better at adding and redefining scenes to be stronger with descriptions. The part where you cut anything?
Weak. However, one step at a time! I think we can agree that editing with the editors, way back with Rebecca at the start, has improved my writing. Its like it plateaued for a bit, but when I began studying something new, I slowly began incorporating it into my methods until were really seeing it bear fruit.
It takes a while, but Ill try to do more for brevity. Frankly, maybe I should do more edited chapters or find something else to improve on? For now, I am resting, but you can level up even on Earth. I just wish I got Skills like [Free Chapter] or [My Hands, They Were Unbreakable].
Instead, Ill just sleep on it. Thanks for reading!
Silverstache by Brack! (Yes, he did the art while the chapter was coming out. /shurkin/gallery/
Ko-Fi: /Brack_Giraffe
Void Goat and Garuda vs Harpy by /anito
Paeth on the Coast by Enuryn!