Omega Summoner

Chapter 219 - Travelling To The North

Chapter 219 - Travelling To The North

"So Dr. Happy, am I good to go now?" Adrian asked as he just had his whole body scanned.

"You are all good now. It seems you have become impatient since you started playing the game. Maybe I should tell your parents to lessen the time that you are allowed to play." Dr. Happy teased.

"Do not joke about that Dr. Happy! I am at an important quest right now and also I managed to afford upgrading my game pod. When I return home, my game pod would be top tier by now. The only problem is I burned all that I earned just to upgrade it." Adrian said with a sigh as he boarded his wheelchair.

"You should be able to use the skeletal aid in a few weeks with the test results that are showing but you must not force yourself. It is always good to take things slow. Rushing it would just strain the nerves in your body." Dr. Happy stated as he signaled the nurse to escort Adrian to his parents.

Dr. Happy looked at the results and his smile disappeared. His face became serious because Adrian's condition is slow in recovering despite the most advance techniques used. Fixing cerebral nerve damage is the most difficult thing to do because the brain is still a mystery. Nevertheless, Dr. Happy is fine with the results despite it being slow.

The only thing that worried him is what Adrian told him. Adrian told the doctor that he would sometimes have nightmares and would occasionally have small panic attacks but it would only happen when he is sleeping. Fortunately, Dr. Happy gave him medicine to calm his nerves down.

"The medicine that helps recover his neurons is also making his brain hyperactive even though the boy is sleeping. I just pray that he overcomes the first hurdle before we go onto the next one." Dr. Happy muttered to himself as he looked at a picture on his necklace.


Adrian did not look at the road home but instead put music on using his wireless headphones. He wanted to also catch some snooze as his father is driving carefully and his mother wanted to enjoy the scenic view. Adrian dozed off and he is only woken up when he returned home.

Mina greeted them at the door and told Adrian that his game pod is finished upgrading. All of them ate first before going back to their own businesses. Adrian's eyes sparkled when he saw his game pod. The luster it showed when light hits its surface made it look like it is diamond coated. Although really happy, he is also crying inside.

"The money used to maintain this thing is not a joke. I need to grind for more items or sell the Map of the Fallen but it would be foolish to sell that. I guess I need to use some of my time in making talismans." Adrian stated as he boarded his new game pod.

The highest game pod of Atlas Inc. is their proudest work because sync rate is 99% and it is very comfortable. The whole chair inside is made with luxurious cloth and foam that could beat any luxury sofas. The best part is that the body will not ache even if you sit there all day. It is better in all aspects compared to the basic game pod.

Adrian did not wait for any ceremony and activated the game pod. He then connected his haloswatch to the game pod in order to connect with his contacts. He needed help in finding a blacksmith in the north and also he just wanted company. He wants to play with his friends since he cannot do it in the real world then he might as well in the virtual world.

[Welcome user MyCraftySon.]

[Initiating dive to Pandemonium. May you have a wonderful gaming experience.]

A mechanical female voice stated as Adrian entered the game.


Adrian's avatar materialized at the Paradox Planes and he immediately typed in their group chat.

Equinox: Does anyone want to accompany me to the north?

Creepysoo: Pass. I do not help those who betray me.

Kabrakan: Sorry, I cannot. I am on a mission to get a new skill. Also, what's with the undead boy?

Equinox: He just salty that I left him to fend for himself against a god.

Levin Cloud: I will pretend that I did not read what you said just now but I can accompany you. I am not doing anything anyway.

Soleil: I want to come but Papa and I also have important missions.

Vayu: We can assist you next time.

Peridot: Sorry. I got kidnapped by my master so I cannot help you.

Creepysoo: (Shocked Face emoji)

Equinox: (Dead eyed fish face)

Levin Cloud: Do you need us to rescue you?

Peridot: Nah. I am fine. I am learning a lot of stuff but I do not think my training would end anytime soon.

Equinox: So it is just me and Levin Cloud then. It would be bro time then.

Levin Cloud: Where in the north are going exactly?

Equinox: Far north like one of the uninhabitable zones. Be prepared.

Levin Cloud: Is there still time to back out?

Equinox: (Angry Face emoji)

Levin Cloud: Just joking. Where do we meet?

Equinox: Where are you? I will pick you up.

Levin Cloud: I am at Neo Alfheim at the cafe with the strange thing. If you know what I mean. Asdasddfdfggh

Kabrakan: What is with the last sentence?

Levin Cloud: He just suddenly appeared beside me. I did not know what to type.

Equinox: Wahhaha. I am speed.


"You gave me a jump scare." Levin Cloud stated.

"Sorry about that. We need to finish this fast because you know because if we are late the nice guys might lose the war and perpetual evil might rule the world and such." Adrian replied.

"So how are we going there?" Levin Cloud asked.

Adrian just smiled as he held onto Levin Cloud's shoulders and a magic circle appeared below them. The two disappeared in a flash of light. The two then reappeared high in the skies of a frozen wasteland. Levin Cloud started screaming because they were free falling but the cold air immediately froze his tongue.

Adrian then summoned a magic circle with two colors in the air and from it Kanlaon came out. Kanlaon then swooped the best friends from the air. Levin Cloud also started feeling warm when he rode Kanlaon as the dragon emitted a fiery aura to warm the two up.

"Maybe a warning next time." Levin Cloud stated.

"It would be less fun that way." Adrian replied with a smile.

"Where did you teleport us actually?" Levin Cloud asked as he is curious where he was suddenly transported to.

"We are at one of the uninhabitable zones. The extreme zone in the northern continent Eisherz." Adrian replied but Levin Cloud paled.

"This zone has level 200 monsters. Do you have a death wish?" Levin Cloud stated in a bit of a panic.

"We just need to avoid them so do not worry too much but I have a skill to evade them. This zone also has level 150 monsters normally and we can beat those with effort." Adrian replied as Kanlaon descended faster on the ground because he spotted monsters flying in the sky going towards them.

Levin Cloud and Adrian held onto Kanlaon tightly because the pressure of descending down fast is difficult to handle. Adrian summoned his bow psyche armament as he saw the flying monsters speeding down with them. He fired out a few shots but his aim is off due to not practicing to shoot arrows while rising a flying mount.

There are currently two flying monsters headed towards them and those monsters narrowed the distance faster than the eye can see. Adrian had a clear look at the monsters and saw that it looked like giant white eagles but could not see their descriptions due to being too far and his vision not being steady.

Kanlaon finally descended but the giant white eagles have yet to give up their chase. The giant white eagles swoop down but Adrian already summoned all his soulbounds for action. Adrian fired off his first skill Shooting Star to at least delay the descent. 

Adrian managed to hit one of the eagles by the right wing and it halted its descent towards them. The eagle hit was unable to fly straight and crashed to the ground. Still, that left one of the giant white eagles swooping down towards them so Kanlaon charged towards it.

Kanlaon then spewed its breath to the approaching giant white eagle but it evaded by distancing itself from the group. Adrian then finally saw the details of the monsters.

Monster: Snow Eagle

Level: 140

HP: 2,000,000 / 2,000,000

MP: 250,000 / 250,000

Description: Giant eagles who have survived the harsh conditions of the cold north. They prey on creatures smaller than them but also challenges creatures much bigger than them. They have great eyesight even when there is a snowstorm. Agile but their defenses are not as great as their speed.

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