We Are Legion (We Are Bob)
Book 4: Glossary of Quinlan Terms
Book 4: Glossary of Quinlan Terms
Book 4: Glossary of Quinlan Terms
ackrel: Quinlan seagull-equivalent.
fehg: Unidentified local product being shipped on the Hurricane.
firl: Small sparrow-like forest bird.
haora: Quinlan beak or muzzle.
henn: Unit of length, approximately 0.56 miles.
hown: Draft animal similar to an ox.
hownid: Smaller version of hown, bred for eating.
junior: Juvenile Quinlan.
loroush: Large predator, similar to a bear or large wolf.
moochin: Quinlan insult.
poot: Up-diving. Similar to penguins, Quinlans will leap out of the water and land on their feet on a dock or other surface.
Quin: Home planet of the Quinlans.
Quinlan: Alien species found on Heaven’s River.
sesh: Form of Quinlan tree.
squiz: Bowl of fish parts, lightly seasoned.
vek: Quinlan unit of time, equivalent to 112 seconds.