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The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

The killing of one makes one a criminal, but the killing of thousands makes one a hero. The... Read more
The killing of one makes one a criminal, but the killing of thousands makes one a hero. The slaughter of nine million makes one a hero among heroes. Watch me slaughter all worlds, and create an empire that will transcend all time and space.Zhong Yu: “I’m someone who will become the Emperor of Heaven!”In this vast country, the nation is divided into kingdoms of men, sub-states, states, principalities, duchies, kingdoms, and empires, all of which follow strict hierarchies. How does the protagonist, who aims to be Emperor of an unparalleled empire, set up and develop his nation? Collapse
Cunning Protagonist, Empires, Evil Protagonist, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Schemes And Conspiracies, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Transmigration, Weak to Strong
am dropping this shit of a novel
drop, chapter 2 op system wake up.... a waste of time read first chapter, why not add the "system" tag?.
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Oh no, not this china numba won bs
Chapter 11 missing
Steal from one a man and you are a thief. Steal from millions and you are the government.
If we kill one person we are murderers. If we kill millions of men, they celebrate us as heroes... - Charles Chaplin
just life playing out my man
You know people say that in these novels that all countries pump their propaganda but I only ever see it in Chinese novel. Perhaps it's to subtle to notice? But with Chinese novels it's either unite the world, slaughter everyone not from my country or foreigners are bad kill kill kill. Ah yes can't forget the government is above every other one in the world and their all good guys. Thought I did see this with Korean novels. This shit makes me want to stay on the other side of the planet
It has in almost all novels but they are mainly Chinese and Korean for example we have Spare Me, Great Lord! That is nationalist
Can't agree more.. and don't forget the reason they banned revrend Insanity for.
Capitalism is basically natural law and reverend insanity adheres to that. That’s why they banned it cause it goes against their communist bs
Everything is very simple and not superficial.Censorship. In the countries you mentioned, if you write a novel in which you speak badly of the government, there may be consequences. The novel could at least be banned. And who needs it? The author doesn't need it.)And of course, local propaganda affects.
sometimes I can't help think, what kind of world they live in. The web novels I have read so far, all of them want to dominate the world. It's like they have this anxiety, restlessness of a inferior complex person, Afraid of other people, other nations and even their own people. It's like a phobia.
See , The main thing is authors in all countries most of the time have nationalistic tendencies , the problem is that translators who choose to translate them are the worst . I mean this is just Qidian who releases that shit to the world and somehow believe that somehow everyone will be very appreciative of the Chinese Culture and their policies, which they have in place. I am not upset about Qidian translating but those translators who choose their novels to be trash such as these and leave real gems behind. eg: Nine Sun God King and etc and don't bother to even listen to people who wish to read those type and are willing to pay. They expect that you would pay for a novel which only furthers their interest
The western world will hardly ever censor novels because of the backlash it would cause. They'd be torn apart by the media, both news and social. They especially can't do anything online, where the they have even less jurisdiction. Luckily for most of us living here in the west, we have a version of free speech, and so we can speak our minds.China is different, and so are other countries like Russia. The news and media are controlled by the Government and so the people have no power as consumers to change anything. I have nothing against these countries people, or even their authors, because they're almost raised to think like this and many Chinese authors (for instance) are fantastic writers and have come up with some of the best content I've ever had the pleasure to read (Looking at you, LOTM).
What is lotm. Sorry for I don't know
Lord of The Mysteries.
Oh ok thanks
Nah, Russia doesn't care if you talk shit about the government as long as you pay your taxes and do what you're told.
That's far from the truth
Seeing your comment, I was wondering, do Chinese readers really like this weird political subplot, tucked into a large chunk of the novels they read, which sometimes becomes the central focus of at least one or more volumes of those novels. (I find it boring to read after a while) because I know that people have free will and think what they want, even if the Chinese government conducts all the information that is revealed to its people showing a hugely successful government is without errors giving the impression of being the perfect government, there will always be people who will understand that there is no such thing as perfection.
It’s censorship of any novel talks bad about the gov’t at all they get banned like “reverend insanity” it suck there are a lot of talented authors out there who get banned from writing because if it. Also China and some other countries force author to flood there books with pro propaganda.
To be honest the beginning of the description is such bull
Goddammit the Chinese with their one and only premise of "slaughtering" the world. Is that premise supposed to be impressive or something?
slaughtering always better than the mc fighting one fight after another that he has no business fighting in the first place imo
whats the difference between slaughtering and killing everyone
imo. killing is when they have a chance to resist and slaughtering is when they dont
well, makes sense but when fighting against mc they wont stand a chance
- Chapter 1: Strange Lands
- Chapter 4: Militia
- Chapter 7: Preliminary Battle
- Chapter 10: Deterrence
- Chapter 14: Pity
- Chapter 17: Reversal
- Chapter 20: No Mercy
- Chapter 23: Loyalty
- Chapter 26: Gratitude and Hatred
- Chapter 29: The Tribes Unrest
- Chapter 32: Obedience and Defiance
- Chapter 35: New City
- Chapter 38: Belonging
- Chapter 41: Conflict
- Chapter 44: Toying
- Chapter 47: Stance
- Chapter 50: Proud Soldier
- Chapter 53: Taking Office
- Chapter 56: Nation
- Chapter 59: Fangling County
- Chapter 62: Slaughter
- Chapter 65: Breach
- Chapter 68: Beneath Yangping Pass
- Chapter 71: Attack and Defense
- Chapter 74: Breach
- Chapter 77: Buried Alive
- Chapter 80: Pacifying Yi State
- Chapter 83: Too Much Is as Bad as Not Enough
- Chapter 85: Changing Tactics
- Chapter 89: Xiliangs Riot (I)
- Chapter 95: Mutiny
- Chapter 98: Surrender
- Chapter 101: Talent
- Chapter 2: System’s Arrival
- Chapter 5: Finishing the Foundation
- Chapter 8: Victory
- Chapter 12: Alliance and Rebellion
- Chapter 15: Prologue to War
- Chapter 18: Fickle
- Chapter 21: A Soldiers Crisis
- Chapter 24: Imperial Guards
- Chapter 27: The Weak
- Chapter 30: Forced Surrender
- Chapter 33: The Rim
- Chapter 36: Wiped Out
- Chapter 39: Induction
- Chapter 42: Scholar
- Chapter 45: Population
- Chapter 48: Promotion
- Chapter 51: Revenge
- Chapter 54: Fortune
- Chapter 57: Crossing Over
- Chapter 60: Capturing a Town
- Chapter 63: Campaign
- Chapter 66: Two Regions
- Chapter 69: Pacifying Hanzhong
- Chapter 72: Bow
- Chapter 75: Split Army
- Chapter 78: Siege (I)
- Chapter 81: Yellow Turban Rebellion
- Chapter 84: Path
- Chapter 87: Reward
- Chapter 91: Xiliangs Riot (III)
- Chapter 96: Breach
- Chapter 99: Replace
- Chapter 3: Establishing a Domain
- Chapter 6: Scouting
- Chapter 9: Annihilated
- Chapter 13: Budding City
- Chapter 16: Disadvantage
- Chapter 19: The Carrot and the Stick
- Chapter 22: Public Opinion
- Chapter 25: Cavalry
- Chapter 28: Choice
- Chapter 31: Accepted Surrender
- Chapter 34: The Lands History
- Chapter 37: Deterrence
- Chapter 40: Superior System
- Chapter 43: Organization
- Chapter 46: New Recruits
- Chapter 49: Checks and Balances
- Chapter 52: County
- Chapter 55: Sacred Court Casting
- Chapter 58: Exchange
- Chapter 61: Fangling Region
- Chapter 64: Purge
- Chapter 67: Nanzheng
- Chapter 70: Wudu Region
- Chapter 73: Siege
- Chapter 76: Yunnan Region
- Chapter 79: Siege (II)
- Chapter 82: Assassination
- Chapter 86: Sentence
- Chapter 88: End of Yellow Turban Rebellion
- Chapter 90: Xiliangs Riot (II)
- Chapter 97: Envoy
- Chapter 100: Rewards